Sunday, May 26, 2013

4000th blog view

Well, I have made it to another milestone, the 4000th blog view !!  PRAISE-THE-LORD !!  Triple digit readers from Russia and Germany with views from over 12 different countries from around the world, double digits in 80% of them.  And of course, a couple of thousand from here in the states.  I wish that I could say 4000 souls saved, but I know that I am just planting the seeds of the gospel, God will give the increase, and besides my Lord keeps a record !!

I hope that many will see Christ in my stories and experiences with God. You see many times God will speak to my heart and mind.  The Truth is that after many years of bible study and service for the Lord, God starts reminding of his words ans ways.  Truly He speaks in a still small voice.  But most importantly I must emphasize, that it comes from reading and learning His word, the Bible.

Remember the story of Peter after the Lord's death.  Many of the disciples and Peter, decided to go back to fishing.  They were not doing well and Jesus, whom they did not realize, said try on the other side of the boat. And when they did, they caught many, and Peter knew immediately, hey that's the Lord !!  Well, God does that for me many thing times.  I will be riding along in my pickup truck or have life experiences and God will speak to me. It's a great and thing wonderful thing that I have with the Lord.  And I know it's Him.

But dear friend, you can have the same thing too. First be saved, born again, accept Christ as your Lord and Savior into your heart. Get baptise, Live the life of Christ and God will speak to you too.

Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord SHALL be saved !!   (oh, by the way, saved first, then baptised, keep it straight) :-)

God bless you,

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