Saturday, May 18, 2013

Following the rules

1 John 5:13 - These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

These things are written that you may KNOW !!  Especially those that believe !!

The bible is our (the Christian's) manual, map and mandate for our lives. Really words or rules to live by.

The other day I had one of those God moments in my pick-up truck, where God seems to speak to my heart and mind at many different times.  I was taking my son to school and we had notice that many parents where letting their children out in the back of the building, which was frown upon by the school administration.  They would rather you drop off your child in front of the building.  But the back of the building seem so easy and practical and many parents where doing it.  But it was the end of the year and perhaps this was not an important issue.  And I kept asking my son can we do that, can we go to the back of the building to drop you off for school??  Then my son said something rather interesting, "let's just follow the rules Dad"  And my mind went back to my favorite choir director and friend at my home church. Who would always say "follow the music and it will never lead you wrong!!"  And again, with my youth director, as we were exiting a church parking lot, The signs said exit a certain way, and though it look like we could, I heard him say, let's just follow the rules.  And we exit the church parking lot and went to lunch.

First John 5:13 says these were written for you, that you may know.  They are words for life, words for love and words for living.  And somewhere in your Christian life you will have to take the bible as real and perhaps rules to live by for Christ.  And as you yield to Him, you yield to the spirit and say within yourself, let's just follow the rules. Let's just follow the words of life, His word !!  In the secular world they say it's "situational ethics" I say, just do right!! Don't do wrong, do right!!  (thanks Dr. Bob Jones Sr. :-] ) And just follow the Lord. Trust in Him today.

But first, my friend you must be saved, you must be born again, see John 3.  Born from above, you must except Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior. For whosoever  shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved,   For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. see Romans 10:10

It's always better to follow Him, it's always better to follow the rules.

God Bless you friend,

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