Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Sunday school Teacher

God Bless the Sundayschool teacher. You will not realize how great your ministry really is unitl later in life as you lead and guide your students.  Besides, my Lord keeps a record.   I have found that some of the best Sunday school teachers are really public school teachers.  Oh, how the churches and the schools need a dear christian lady for a teacher, especially in our public schools !!  (well, guys too!! follow the Lord young man!!)  The teaching disciplines and directions of a teacher needs to be in our Sunday school classes.  (wait a minute, some churches do not call it Sunday school anymore??!!) WELL, THAT'S ANOTHER BLOG SOMEDAY!!)  Anyway, I have some fond memories of Sunday school from my home church and I would like to share that with you today.  I was 12 years old and our class was next to the children's toddlers class. We had siding doors that separated the classes and I always sat next to the door.  I heard Mrs. Cochran teaching the toddlers Psalms 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.  And she made the class quote out loud the verse.  It still rings in my heart and mind today many, many years later.  Today I was wanting to add a verse to my twitter account and this verse come to my mind. She loved children and she loved God and was a wonderful wife to her husband and a great mother to her children.  But what a great verse to teach toddlers and a young man whose ears caught that verse being sounded out for a lesson and for our life.  She's  home with the Lord now, but it was great how she kept her family together following God.  Maybe God put her in my life for my benefit??
Well, it was a blessing and every time I think about that verse in the bible, I think about Mrs. Cochran the Sunday school teacher.

But dear friend, who is God leading into your life?? Are you saved?? Are you born again?? The Bible says "ye must be born again !!" Call on the Lord today, while He is near, and accept Him  into heart.
For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved!!

God bless you,

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