Tuesday, April 9, 2013

3000th Blog Views

Well, another mile stone with my Blog, #3000, really 3200 as of now, but who's counting?? :-)  I appreciate the faithful readers and I hope to be an encouragement to them.  I am thankful for all the reader in other countries too.  I hope to send the good news and glad tidings of the Lord as seen in my life stories and thoughts the Good Lord puts into my heart and mind.  2 Peter 3:1 says it best," beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: 2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

First I want to you to remember somethings of the Lord, secondly, I want to reveal somethings of the Lord to you and thirdly rejoice in the things of the Lord.  We should remember our salvation, the scriptures and our service for Him.  We should reveal the Son, sin and the sadness of the world.  And rejoice in our hope, heaven and happiness in the Lord.

I have two other blogs but I am most inspired with this blog.  For now it's differently my outlet, but it is very enjoyable when I write as the Lord leads me.

So thank you again and let's go for 4000 !!  I am thinking of that song, "Let my life be a light to some soul" Let my life be a light shining out through the night, may I help a struggling one to the fold. Spreading cheer every where as I go, let my life be a light to some soul.  

I want to enlighten the lost soul and encourage the saved soul. :-)

God Bless you friend, and trust in the Lord with ALL your heart!!


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