Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Bible TV series

Well the TV series "The Bible" continues to be a favorite for my son, (a HS senior). And it's become a family time thing, as we are watching the show together as a family and  . . . . we are talking !!   (the Good Lord works in mysterious ways !!) PTL ;-)   And once again, there was another scene that touched me.  I mentioned, in another blog, that the Abraham & Isaac scene touched me and this one with Jesus and Peter did too.   Peter was in the boat fishing or the lack there of, as he had not caught anything, then Jesus came.   As our Lord was walking toward Peter near the shore line, he stopped and picked up a rock and kinda looked at it and he saw Peter.  Being a bible student that I am and seeing the symbolism, I smiled and chuckled with in myself.   "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God!!" And upon this Rock, this man's statement, Christ said I will build my Church.   Peter would become that foundational leader of the disciples and spiritual leader on the day of Pentecost.  He was a rock in his following Christ,  in his faith in Jesus and in his future to become a great leader for the first century Christians and us.   Was Peter perfect, of course not, he was human, he had up and down moments, but he was learning from the Master.  OJT, on the job training, for himself and for us.  Jesus was really teaching them on what to do for He would not always be with them.  Three years of training for the Twelve disciples and Peter would be the leader of this band of men. 
So in the scene, Jesus picks up a rock and seem to say I need a rock and then we see Peter.  And I thought this was a good thing and I smiled.  Now, are there some inaccurate things in the series, I think so, but I like what the show is doing with my family.  We are talking together and learning together.  I understand it's become the top TV show and of course, the secular world still does not recognize it, but we are not surprised about this. 

But dear friend, God may be talking to you and leading you to a belief in Christ.  If so, trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, call on Him today, right now, now is the time of salvation, call on Him while He is near.  While He is in your mind, in your heart and on your TV set? 

God Bless you,


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