Friday, March 22, 2013

Feeding the birds

The Ministry of Feeding the Birds

After I resigned from my first church, I became emotionally and mentally down.  The devil always attacks when we are down. Then I remembered one of my Bible college professors.  Dr. R.C. Henry. a cheerful happy man, Evangelist, Pastor, Bible teacher and prayer warrior. He had many stories  about revivals that he had preached and the churches where he had been pastor.  A statement that he had said was ringing in my head.  He said that he likes to help the Lord feed the birds in his backyard.  I would drive by his house and he had a very clean yard and a very pretty garden in his back yard.  We called it Hengry's Gardens, and He did too. :-)  Anyway, He helped the Lord to feed the birds.  You know, there is the scriptures in the New Testament about the Lord's care for the fowls of the air.  And Dr. Henry took this scriptures literally.  He said with joy in his heart and a smile on his face, I am helping the Lord feed the birds.  Well, that rung in my heart and mind.  It was a cold winter day with a little snow on the back porch.  Being a little down, I thought to myself, I can feel the birds, I can help the Lord to feed the birds.  So I took some bread crumbs, maybe some cornbread and threw it on the back porch.  I walked away thinking that there would be an immediate result and then I came back minutes later, there to find some little birds pecking at the bread.  my knees weaken and a tear came to me eye.  And it seems I thought within myself, hearing the Lord say I am not done with you, you can still feed the bird for me. (PTL)

I believe that the good Lord works at many times and in many ways.  And this was one of them. I know that the Lord is powerful enough to feed the birds without me. But I think He does want to use us and work through us.  Perhaps He is speaking to you.  If so, hear ye Him.  And call on Him while He is near. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart.

Maybe the Lord wants you to feed the birds or maybe He just wants to use you for service.  Become a child of God and then seek to find how he would like you to serve him.

God bless you,
Prov. 3:5-6

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