Thursday, March 7, 2013

Running the race

Hebrews 12:1 - let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

Well, after Blogging about our walk and our stand, I feel led to blog about our run or literally running the race.  As I write this, I realize, the Apostle Paul or the writer of Hebrews, especially this section, chapter 12, the writer is an observer of the athletic runner.  What great lessons and spiritual lessons that we can learn from being an observer of people, places and things.  Perhaps, He noticed the runner training for the Olympics.  One place he saw their striving hard in the practice and said you  know, the Christan believer needs to strive as hard as the runner does in living the christian life.  Practice leads to performance. 

But here, in Hebrews 12, he first talked about the weight that can hinder the runner.  The runner needs to be slim and trim. Don't let the weight cling and encumber you.  To weight you down and cause our race to be a hard task.  Our past and present weights can hinder our future or reaching the goal.

Then He talks about the w-a-i-t, the wait or the patience.  It's an interesting thing.  There's a farmers patience, which when He plants, he gives it time to grow, a cook's patience, which mixes the ingredents, and gives it time to cook and a needed runners patience.  The runner does not need to burn out quickly, but rather he needs to endure.  What a great lesson for us all.  So many flare up a fire but then burn out quickly never to be seen again. A steady pace is needed in the run. 

And then he talks about the way, which is the actual race.  It's the path that is before you.  Run the race that is set, placed, before you.  Not looking else where but the way or path that YOU are in.  It's personal, it's yours, the christian father or mother, husband or wife, son or daughter, the Christan worker for the Lord.  Run the race that is before you.

But dear friend, we must stand then walk, walk before we run, be saved and born again to be on His team.  The call of salvation is before service and it's before the race.  Call on the name of  the Lord and be saved.  He that believes hath life. He that believes shall not perish.  Believe in your heart, trust in Him today.

God Bless you,


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