Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Blessing of the Walk

The walk that we have is either our physical walk on this earth or our spiritual walk with our Lord.  After being in the hospital and having gout in my feet, I have learned the blessing of the walk.  It's a necessary part of your life.  It is very easy to take-for-granted.  Some has a fast walk, some have a slow walk, some have a normal walk, but it's different for many based on age.  Children have an energy walk, parents have a steady walk and older people have an enduring walk. 
It has come to my attention the blessing of the walk. That natural thing that we all do.  Where we stand up and then step into the direction that we need to go.  But when you are unable to WALK, you or perhaps myself, see walking in a different light.  When you see so many doing it so easy and you are unable to do that easy task or that even a necessary task to function, it makes me think what a blessing that it really is and I do not want to take it for granted. 
So it is with our spiritual walk with the Lord.  It's really easy,  prayer,  bible study and fellowship with believers.  But that leads to living a separated life and doing a service for Him.  Our walk will determine, what we do, where we go and how we do it.  It will determine our relationship with God, with people and with our self.  And when the three are in line we can attack life and live for Him.
The bible says Noah walked with God, also Abraham and Moses, David and Daniel.  The Lord Jesus walked with God also Peter, John and Paul.  They took an easy natural task and made it their meaning of life.  WOW! Is their a lesson there FOR US to learn?  It's really the blessing of the walk.

I do want to walk with the Lord. And I want to just take a walk in a park.  Both seem very hard for me right now, but in either case, I know the Good Lord will help me !! Turn ye unto God and He will turn unto you !! Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart.  In ALL thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.

But dear friend, you must be born again, this day salvation needs to come to your house.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

As for as our walk, the song "Trust & Obey" says, when we walk with the Lord in the light of his word, what a glory it sheds on our way.  Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but trust and obey.

God bless friend, thank you for your time,

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