Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Heavenly Daddy

I had a moment with the Lord while at work.  In the test and repair business, there are times when you repair a product and then allow the test to run.  It was during the testing cycle, when I sat back in my chair at my bench and pondered the words of Lord.  A phrase in the New Testament is found in the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew chapter six was in my mind and heart.  “Our Father which art in Heaven” I heard a favorite preacher of mine say that the word father speaks of relationship.  Then that made me think of Romans 8.  Where the bible says “we cry Abba-father”, which means papa or daddy.  Then that reminded me how my brother-in-law told me one time that at a bible study a fellow Christian had the closing prayer and he addressed God as “Daddy”   So when I put it all together, the words came to me, Heavenly Daddy. 
And Dads enjoy giving to their children.  My earthly/natural Dad was not a wealthy man, but a friend of mine reminded me that my Dad would have given me more if he could have afforded it.  It was an enlighten moment for me and made since.  Even now as a dad of my son, I want to do more for him, but many times money is an issue.  But Our Heavenly Father (Daddy) owns the cattle on thousand hills. 

And as I thought about all of this, tears came to my eyes, as I cried to my Heavenly Daddy for the help that I needed.  I need spiritual, physical and financial help.  It just came alittle down on me. But I am glad He’s there and can hear my prayer. I am eager and excited about my Heavenly Daddy and what He will do.

But first my friend, you must be birth into the family of God. You must be born again to be apart of the family of God. Call on Him today, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God Bless you,

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