Sunday, February 10, 2013

Home with the Lord

Well, I was saddened to hear about the death of a fellow Christian that I have known since the late 70s.  One of my child hood friends’ dad passed away Friday morning.  I had heard that he was in the hospital and not doing well.  And we thought I could go by there tomorrow to see him there in the hospital, the wife even said you need to go by there, but he passed away before I went by there.   William “Willy” Snyder got his family in church; I think it was around 1978, his son and I became friends through other friends in the neighborhood.  Three families lived right next to each other and we all went to church and school together.  They lived next to the high school and I could park my car there for free.  That also, caused us to miss several days of school, but that another blog someday.  WE all went to the victory Baptist church, were my future father-in-law was pastor, one of the greatest church that I ever belonged to.  We did great things, Missions, bus ministry, youth group, VBS, choir singing, revivals and camp meetings, just to name a few things, not counting the radio ministry and convalescent home ministry, TRULY A GREAT TIME IN MY LIFE!!!   But my friend’s dad got his family in church.  One of the first things that I remember was he joined the church choir and was faithful to sing, then he became a bus driver in the bus ministry, he would laugh and sing with the kids.  He would go on visitation with our pastor and became a church officer and later a deacon of the church.  A man, who when he was called upon responded faithfully and with a smile. My friend and I went different paths after Bible College.  And then life happened.  He got married and I got married, though both of our wives and we were in the same youth group and same home church, but we went different ways.  And life can do that with friends sometimes.  I lost touch with them only to meet occasionally for we lived in the same town and hoping/wanting to get back together someday.   But now, it seems that we only get to meet together at weddings and funerals.  The bible says in Hebrews 9:27 that it’s appointed a man once to die, it’s an appointment that we all must meet.  BUT, dear friend, there’s also the judgment afterwards.  And are you ready for that time?? The bible says to be absent from the body and home with the Lord.  I hope you are ready for that day.

My friend’s dad, Brother Willy, was ready, but are you?? For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Brother Willy is home with the Lord, he has already made a lap around glory avenue, seen his pastor and love ones who has gone on before him and most of all he has seen Jesus.
"there will be a happy day in heaven I know, when we meet our savior and love ones that we know, truly, that will be a glad reunion day!!!"

God Bless you,


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