Friday, December 28, 2012

The Tech Preacher

The Tech Preacher, well not really, but as the Apostle Paul had tent making as his secular job, some say,  I,  in my world, am a tech guy.  I have been in computers since the 1980s.  Yes, PCs have been around for that long.  Computers and personal computers, were much larger & bigger.  AAH, the days of 8080 and Z80 processors, CPUs,  This is where I started.  I have definitely seen the evolution of the PC from those years.  I have not kept up with everything, there's so much to keep up with, it's volumes of new data.   But technology and preaching go hand in hand.  The bible in the book of the Revelation, talks about the Two Witnesses being seen by the whole world.  As a tech guy, I wondered how would the whole world see, but then and at first I thought, well it would be by satellite and but now, I know it will be by Internet, I-pod, cell phone, etc . . . .
Technology is a big part of promoting the Gospel of Christ.  I happen to believe, God allowed the advancement of technology which also, promotes the gospel. I, also believe God led Christopher Columbus, to find the new world.  Columbus could have read in the bible, years before 1492, about the roundness of the earth. (and that's another blog someday, remind me) But God led the way, and He leads the way in technology. He allows little leads and the engineers and scientists follow them to make that new technical products.  It's been that way for years.  God blesses man with knowledge.  HEY, it's mentioned in the bible, see Psalms & Proverbs, well the whole book.  And that knowledge is suppose to lead man to GOD, it should NOT turn man away.  Once again, man has messed it up. (see Garden of Eden)   BUT I BELIEVE IN HIM !! I BELIEVE GOD !!  And any him, anyone that comes to HIM, God,  will in no wise cast him out !!

For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that you should not perish,  God demonstrated his love toward us that while were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  God is not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance and the knowledge of truth. WOW, I am so happy, this is good stuff, not me, not my words, but it's God's words.  :-)

Oops, I got alittle preachy, but it's a fire that's burning in me.  I must tell you about God and his dear son Jesus !!!  Hallelujah !!

Dear friend, God's speaking to you today through technology, He's calling you today, why don't you call on Him today.

God Bless you,


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