Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ring the Bells

While driving in my pick-up truck this morning, I heard on the radio how a memorial service for the children of Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut would be Friday morning. At 9:30 am they will ring the bell 26 times for each victim.  Bells have been used many ways and  many times. For alarm, to announce and to awake, just to name a few things.  I enjoy when bells are ringing.  My son and I enjoy the train bell when it rings out as a stream train would go through the train yard, at what railroad people would call yard speed.  Also, there are the church bells that ring.  And many times it's used to announce church services.   I heard a story many years ago from a preacher how a young man had a promising future in football.  The captain of his high school football team and could have went to the next level.  But when he was asked what he would do after high school he said my job is to stay here and ring the church bell.  For He was the only one that was tall enough to reach the rope, to pull the rope and ring the bell for church.  He was happy with this  responsibility.  It was his way to serve the Lord.

The bible says lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him (the Lord)and He shall direct your path.  The young man was satisfied with his called position and service for the Lord.

But Dear friend, God could be calling you.  First it will be the call of salvation.  He wants to save you first, then it will be a call for service.  As he will call you to service Him.  It might be to ring the bell. To awake, announce or to alarm.

God bless you friend, God loves you, call on Him today.


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