Sunday, December 16, 2012

1500th blog views

Well, we reached another mile stone last week. The 1500th view of my blog.  And I say thank you once again.  Blogging has been everything I wanted and an excitement to share.  One thing that I find most interesting is the audience count and the different countries those you who have viewed this blog.  To me, I am literally sharing and evangelizing to the world.  Wow, what a mission field !!  My beginnings in the ministry was simple.  A young preacher boy, who before I announced my preacher calling, I would hang around other older preachers at the local AM radio station and we would broadcast a live thirty minute program.  Then a friend of mine and I started our own thirty minute broadcast.  And I began my ministry of promoting the gospel of Christ.  Here with my blog, I hope to do the same.  It's my outlet, it's my desire.  So I hope to continue here. I want to be an encouragement and a witness.  So thank you from my heart and please pray for me.  And let me know your prayer request and I promise to pray for you.  Else I am determine to continue to do this great work.

But dear friend, the gospel message is true and for you. Jesus came to seek and to save those who are lost. If this is you friend, call on the Lord today, accept the Lord Jesus as your Lord and saviour.

God Bless you and thanks again,


(hey, looking for 2000 views next year and yes we can!!)

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