Thursday, November 22, 2012

Prayer it just works

Well, once again, God has proven, to me and my family, that He hears and answers prayer.  We had a financial need for our son.  It seems to always  start that way, a need for a family member and it pulls on our hearts and is very heavy on our minds.  Well, we put out the word to family, friends and fellow churchgoers, a prayer request for our son.  Our niece told her church, grandmother had her Sunday school class to pray and many others as well.   It reminds me what an evangelist friend of mine said to me many years ago.  He said when there's need in my life, I let everybody, all praying christian know so that they can pray.  Well, we know it says un the bible the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  And it says to make our request known.  But honestly, I don't have all the answers to prayer nor the all the keys.  But that which I do know and I do testify, GOD HEARS AND ANSWERS PRAYER.  And I am not sure of the who, the how or the why, but God answers in his own time and way.  A key to prayer, I have observed, is that when many prays for you, God answers.  Well, needless to say, God did answer our prayer for our son.  A financial need was met.  I am glad that I saw it and I'm so glad my family saw it and my son experienced it.  Thank you Lord for answering prayer.

But dear friend, God will hear you, when you call upon Him.  The bible trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, come to Him through faith and believing.

God Bless you Friend,


Thank you Lord for blessings

I feel inspired today, so will do a couple of blog post.  I am thankful for God's blessings on me.  When I consider my Family, my faith and  my future, I say thank you Lord for your blessings on me.  I love my family.  My wife is my love of my youth.  I married the pastor's daughter.  We started out interested in each other, then fighting and then she caught me. Wow, she does complete me.  When I pastored, she was a great pastor's wife and musician / pianist or organist.  Then I love my son.  He has become our life.  His interests and plans become our interest and plans.  Our world turns around him.  My faith is my foundation.  What I fall back on, it's what keeps me going.  It gives me a meaning in life.  I PROMOTE THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST !! AMEN!!  My faith inspires me to preach, read and write blogs.  I have a secular technical blog,, for my job and tech interests. But I am most inspired to blog about the Lord, my humble experiences and my faith.  Thank you Lord for your blessings on me.  And this is my future,  truly I look for the glorious return of our Lord, but until then, I have a path, that's lighted by him. In psalms 23, the last verse of the chapter says that I may dwell in the house of the LORD forever.   Now in my young christian mind and most of my life, I thought he meant the church house.  I thought this this would be the thing that I do ALL the days of my life.  And I think it does have an personal application.  But it was when I read after F.B. Myers, that I realize he was talking about heaven. But either way,  it's my future.  I will dwell in the house of the Lord while on this earth and I will dwell in the house of the Lord in heaven.  Praise-the -Lord !! AMEN !!

But dear friend, what's your future??  The bible whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Jesus said in my father's house are many places, (I happened to believe, one of those mansions is mine) And Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. It's through HIM.  What must you do to be saved?? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and also your house, your home, your family. 

Thank you LORD for your blessings on me!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

they could not be heard

In the bible, in the New Testament,  Acts chapter 16 is the story of the Philippians Jailer being saved.   Paul and Silas were put in prison for basically preaching and witnessing.  The bible says they were chained and put in the inner prison.  I have always heard that this act was alittle over excessive for preachers of the gospel.  Being placed in the inner prison one would think that would be for an harden criminal or mean man.  Definitely an over kill for two preachers of the gospel.  I've always had this thought until a Sunday school student suggested that Paul and Silas was put in there so THAT THEY COULD NOT BE HEARD.   WOW, what a thought, what insight.   The Jailer put them in the inner prison so that they could not be heard.  They did not want Paul and Silas to be heard by the people of the city of Philippi.  You know, there are so many who want to silence the name of Christ and the great gospel message in our day and time.   What could have the Apostle Paul and Silas been saying, that they where put in the inner prison.  They were not a great criminal, just a couple of gospel preachers of Christ.  The law of the land did not want anybody to hear them. 
The gospel of Christ is a great message of salvation.  But it's against Humanism and many other false religious teachings.  But it's the way of salvation, it's the way to God.  For all have sin and come short of the glory of God.  God demonstrated His love toward us, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  For by grace are you saved, through faith, and NOT of yourself, it is the gift of God and not of works lest any man should boast.

Dear Christian Friend, many false teachers and secular Humanist will try to silence our great message. But we have a mission and a mandate to preach and teach the gospel in ALL the world. Because it's real and it works.

God bless you,

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What could I have done??

What more could I have done ??  My guy did not win, so sad.  But, as I look at this and being the natural analyst that I am, I see all my friends voted for my guy, my family too.  I noticed my city where I live voted for him, and even my state, a red state, went his way.  So I ask, what more could I have done??  I am not rich and  He has money and raised alot of money.  But what more could I have done??  Obviously, the blue northern states was a strong hole for the president, maybe I could have went there and campaign??  But who in those northern (Yankee) states would have listened to me, a white fat southern boy.  What more could I have done??  I really do not have the answer, I could have prayed more, give my time, talent and treasures.  And this is true.  Would it have made a difference??  We will never know, the president won, we have four more years of him.  But I know one thing,  WHAT MORE CAN I DO FOR MY LORD??  Yes I can pray more, I can give him my time, talent and treasures.  And the results will be eternal. 

I believe the writer was correct, and what I heard  a preacher say is true, "WHAT WE DO IN THIS LIFE WILL PASS, BUT WHAT WE DO FOR JESUS WILL LAST !!  And I say A-men to that. :-)

For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life, for with the heart man believes and with the mouth confession is made, for whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  And I believe that !!

God bless you friend, call on Him today.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

1000th blog view - thank you

Well, I have over 1000 views of my blog.  Most interestingly, views from 10 different countries around the world.  A missionary effort on my keyboard from my home.  I desire to be a voice and a light.  It reminds me of the railroad crossings that we (my son and I) are usually stationed at when rail fanning.  There's the bell sound and the flashing lights to indicate / alarm you of the approaching locomotive.  In other words, there's the sound and light. (also bells & whistles) BUT, that's me, that's what I desire to do with Gospel of Christ.  In the bible, John the Baptist, was a voice crying in the wilderness.  Jesus said He is the light of the world. Especially for those who are in darkness.  I am about the promotion of the gospel message and I am about promoting Sunday church (I hope I don't lose some here) But we should worship the Lord on the first day of the week, the Lord's Day, the day Christ rose from the grave !!  The first day of the week, giving Him the first place.  In the Old Testament, it says, Six days God created the earth, and rested on the seventh day, Saturday. The sabbath, always has been Saturday, But Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath, He's our Sabbath, I rest in HIM !! But I worship Him on the First day of the week.  Anyway, . . . . . perhaps another blog post.
Most of all I want to say a BIG THANK YOU !! for your views and time spent with me. To God be the Glory !! A-MEN.  I hope to continue this new outlet for me. WWW means WorldWideWeb I hope to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ.   Brethren, please pray for me.

God Bless you friend, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He shall direct your path.
