Sunday, June 10, 2012

The train sound and Jesus' return

1 Thess. 4
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

As mentioned, my family and I did some Rail-fanning last week in Atlanta Georgia.  We went to see the Grand Steam engine Southern 630.  My son and I did a photo run-by in Dalton, Rome, Atlanta and Hapeville.  A lot of fun with very nice people, the Rail Fans, and with my wife and son. 
On a couple of occasions, I heard a reoccurring statement that was made in two different places.  One in the yard at Rome Georgia and one in Hapeville Georgia.  My son and I was on our way to Rome, when I happen to see a small sign on the Highway "Southern Rail yard" We turned down the street and found that 630 was schedule to stop there for maintenance for her journey to Atlanta.  The engine came into the yard sounding its steam whistle and a crowd of people gathered to see it.  One older lady, who was the daughter of a Steam engineer, her Dad had actually driven 630 was there in the yard taking pictures.  She said an interesting statement.  She said that while she was in her house she heard the steam whistle and could tell that there was something special about that sound. She got husband and they drove over to the yard because she heard that special sound.  Again, while in Hapville, a gentleman said I was in my house and I heard that steam whistle, that special sound and I had to come over to see what was going on.  When I heard this reoccurring statement God started working on my heart and mind. 
Many of us are not looking for signs, but we are listening for the shout.  That special sound, the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, sounding the return of Jesus Christ.  The bible says we will meet Him in the air.  There we will appear for the the Believers' Judgement for our labor, the Marriage of Lamb to his bride the Church and then enjoy the marriage supper of the Lamb.  And then spend the honeymoon on the earth for a 1000 glorious years.   (well, at least you know where I stand on this point) Don't worry, many many of us do not agree in the manner of his coming but we do agree in the message of his coming and it could be soon. And what will He find you doing for Him ???  We need to be about the Father's business.  What will YOU be doing when YOU hear the special sound??? We should not be looking for signs, besides  that's for the Jews, but rather we should be listening for the SHOUT !!! The special sound that ONLY believers will hear when Jesus comes again.  With Engine 630 train whistle, many were going about their regular business, but then, they heard the sound, are you ready ???
First, dear friend you have to be saved / born again, to be apart of, when the saints come marching in.  For whosoever shall on the name of the Lord, shall be shall saved, for with the heart, man believes unto salvation and with your month confession is made. 

God Bless you neighbor, will you heard the sound ??? I hope that you will.

Rev Daniel Samples

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