Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our Labor for the Lord

Another thought from Dr. Stanley's Daily Devotional.  I feel like I'm Re-tweeting or maybe re-blogging???  This a great thought, for me and my family, at this point in our lives.  We have served the LORD since the 1980s, and I am glad GOD will not forget our work and our labor for Him.

A Servant's Rewards
Hebrews 6:10
10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister .
 In His grace, God freely gives salvation to those who believe in Jesus. We cannot earn this gift, nor do we deserve it. Our Father does notice our good works, though. And He promises to reward us according to what we have done for Him.
 True service occurs when we allow the Lord to work through us for His glory and honor. True ministry occurs when divine resources meet human need through loving channels.
 Revelation 22:12 encourages us, "Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done." Whether large or small, all service done in Jesus' name will be blessed. We must be careful, though, that our actions are for Christ's glory. If motives are self-serving, the only benefit we receive is the praise (if any) that we hear from people in this life. And we know that men's approval is not satisfying or lasting.
 While some rewards will be given in heaven, other blessings can be experienced now. For example, we know great joy when we allow God to bless others through us. And there is deep satisfaction in realizing that we are pleasing Christ. In addition,there's a profound sense of fulfillment when we lead a person to Jesus and teach him how to walk by faith.
 Serving others is both a great benefit and a responsibility for Christians. We should prayerfully consider our motives to make sure that our goal is to glorify Christ. Only then will we receive God's full blessings--rewards given not only in eternity but on earth as well. - CS
I like the text verse, Hebrews 6:10, I checked the other translations, and they all agree on the word "forget"  and chose to use that word.  God will not "FORGET" our work of faith and our labor of love for Him.  And remember, praying counts!!! Giving your time, talent, treasures counts !!! Speaking and witnessing to a lost person counts !!!  MY LORD KEEPS A RECORD !!! (in the cloud, well heaven)
God bless you friend, first, be saved, born again, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. see Romans 10:13, also see John 3:16, Proverbs 3:5-6.
And Christian friend, please, be about the Father's business, promote the Gospel of Christ !!!!!

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