Friday, June 29, 2012

Heads bowed & eyes closed

The other morning I was listening to one of my pre-programmed radio stations, where I can just hit a button and I can listen to a variety of stations, news, sports, oldies and country.  I like to listen to Moby in the Mornings around 6:30 AM because he usually plays a southern gospel song and does the pledge of allegiance.  I was running a little late and missed most of the song, but the song had an instrumental music trailer ending. And Moby interrupted and said "Oh, this is the preachers part"  Heads bow and eyes close. Just like it would be if you were in church and the preacher was starting the invitation, were you are invited to come to the altar to pray or be saved.  Many times the preacher will have prayer at the end of his sermon and start the invitation by saying Heads bowed and eyes close.  The phrase just jumped out at me!!! Again, I was in my Ford pickup truck, me and God, but wow, He sure does speak to me there a lot and often.  I have heard the phrase (H.B.E.C.) many times and I probably used the phrase many times myself.  It really made me feel good and I smiled, as a country music radio announcer mentioned a phrase that I heard all my life and in way connected him to me more. In a world that has turned from the old ways and old paths of God and church, it felt real good to hear him say that and made realize that this is a church going man, at least one time in his life, maybe still is, and this is what is part of me.  I am about GOD and I am about church.  This is what a family and a man need in his life. Proverb 3:5-6 says to Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding, in all they all ways acknowledge HIM and He shall direct thy path.  And it starts with prayer, Heads bowed and I eye closed.
For whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD, shall be saved.
Jeremiah 33:3  Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things

God Bless you neighbor,

Rev. Daniel Samples

Monday, June 25, 2012

Tears of a Truck Driver

At my home church, in North Georgia in the early 1980s, I was a Bus Captain for one of the five buses we had in our Children's Bus ministry.  A very busy time of my life, a young single preacher boy, working a 40 hour a week job, going to Bible College at night and singing in the youth and Adult choirs.  Not to mention the weekly live radio program at our local AM radio station.  (just a great time!!) The buses were the yellow school buses, bought and repaired for the bus ministry.  Our bus drivers were very interesting men.  They had to have CDL licenses to drive the bus and many of them were 18 wheel truck drivers, retired and current drivers.  Their part in the ministry was very important. And I remember seriousness and a forward attitude for their part that they did for the Lord.  Driving for the bus ministry.  They served God the best way that they could and enjoyed it.  And we would have one of those testimonial meetings, and the tears would be shed and a brokenness was heard in their voices as they knew that they were serving GOD the best way that they could in their life. They would stand and share what was in their heart about serving GOD in that aspect of the ministry.  It just brings a smile to my face and warms my heart to remember their tears of happiness and helping attitude.  They loved God and they serve Him gladly.

God bless you neighbor, before service, there must be salvation.  Call on the name of the Lord and be saved, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus said "I am the way the the Truth and the life, no man can come to the Father, except by me"  see John 316 and John 3:36.

Rev. Daniel Samples

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our Labor for the Lord

Another thought from Dr. Stanley's Daily Devotional.  I feel like I'm Re-tweeting or maybe re-blogging???  This a great thought, for me and my family, at this point in our lives.  We have served the LORD since the 1980s, and I am glad GOD will not forget our work and our labor for Him.

A Servant's Rewards
Hebrews 6:10
10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister .
 In His grace, God freely gives salvation to those who believe in Jesus. We cannot earn this gift, nor do we deserve it. Our Father does notice our good works, though. And He promises to reward us according to what we have done for Him.
 True service occurs when we allow the Lord to work through us for His glory and honor. True ministry occurs when divine resources meet human need through loving channels.
 Revelation 22:12 encourages us, "Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done." Whether large or small, all service done in Jesus' name will be blessed. We must be careful, though, that our actions are for Christ's glory. If motives are self-serving, the only benefit we receive is the praise (if any) that we hear from people in this life. And we know that men's approval is not satisfying or lasting.
 While some rewards will be given in heaven, other blessings can be experienced now. For example, we know great joy when we allow God to bless others through us. And there is deep satisfaction in realizing that we are pleasing Christ. In addition,there's a profound sense of fulfillment when we lead a person to Jesus and teach him how to walk by faith.
 Serving others is both a great benefit and a responsibility for Christians. We should prayerfully consider our motives to make sure that our goal is to glorify Christ. Only then will we receive God's full blessings--rewards given not only in eternity but on earth as well. - CS
I like the text verse, Hebrews 6:10, I checked the other translations, and they all agree on the word "forget"  and chose to use that word.  God will not "FORGET" our work of faith and our labor of love for Him.  And remember, praying counts!!! Giving your time, talent, treasures counts !!! Speaking and witnessing to a lost person counts !!!  MY LORD KEEPS A RECORD !!! (in the cloud, well heaven)
God bless you friend, first, be saved, born again, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. see Romans 10:13, also see John 3:16, Proverbs 3:5-6.
And Christian friend, please, be about the Father's business, promote the Gospel of Christ !!!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Standing Before God’s Open Door

I am forwarding a daily devotional from Dr. Stanley, we are laborers together with GOD.

Standing Before God’s Open Door

1 Corinthians 16:8-9

The apostle Paul had passion and vision to reach the world with the good news about salvation. As he followed the Spirit’s leading, his determination proved effective. There’s no telling how many lives the Lord transformed through this man. And his influence is still impacting people today.

Paul knew that Jesus had instructed His followers to “make disciples of all the nations,” teaching them to observe everything He had commanded (Matt. 28:19). God led and enabled the apostle to do his part in carrying out this divine mission.

But think about life back then—that was a big task for a time when there was no mass communication. Paul could only teach, write, or train others to share the truth. In spite of limited means, however, he obeyed fervently and effectively.

God’s command is still relevant for us today. He has given us the work of telling all nations about redemption through Christ’s blood and resurrection. Compared to Paul, we have an abundance of communication capabilities—including radio, television, Internet, and cell phones—which provide easy access into countries all over the world. We could make more disciples by better utilizing these technologies. But how tragic if we get busy and fail to obey God’s command.

We stand at a critical moment in history for the church. The door of opportunity is wide open for us to share the gospel through a variety of methods. As believers, we are obligated to carry out Christ’s Great Commission. Be careful that neither busyness nor apathy keeps you from obedience.

God Bless you neighbor, we need to be about our Father's business.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The train sound and Jesus' return

1 Thess. 4
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

As mentioned, my family and I did some Rail-fanning last week in Atlanta Georgia.  We went to see the Grand Steam engine Southern 630.  My son and I did a photo run-by in Dalton, Rome, Atlanta and Hapeville.  A lot of fun with very nice people, the Rail Fans, and with my wife and son. 
On a couple of occasions, I heard a reoccurring statement that was made in two different places.  One in the yard at Rome Georgia and one in Hapeville Georgia.  My son and I was on our way to Rome, when I happen to see a small sign on the Highway "Southern Rail yard" We turned down the street and found that 630 was schedule to stop there for maintenance for her journey to Atlanta.  The engine came into the yard sounding its steam whistle and a crowd of people gathered to see it.  One older lady, who was the daughter of a Steam engineer, her Dad had actually driven 630 was there in the yard taking pictures.  She said an interesting statement.  She said that while she was in her house she heard the steam whistle and could tell that there was something special about that sound. She got husband and they drove over to the yard because she heard that special sound.  Again, while in Hapville, a gentleman said I was in my house and I heard that steam whistle, that special sound and I had to come over to see what was going on.  When I heard this reoccurring statement God started working on my heart and mind. 
Many of us are not looking for signs, but we are listening for the shout.  That special sound, the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, sounding the return of Jesus Christ.  The bible says we will meet Him in the air.  There we will appear for the the Believers' Judgement for our labor, the Marriage of Lamb to his bride the Church and then enjoy the marriage supper of the Lamb.  And then spend the honeymoon on the earth for a 1000 glorious years.   (well, at least you know where I stand on this point) Don't worry, many many of us do not agree in the manner of his coming but we do agree in the message of his coming and it could be soon. And what will He find you doing for Him ???  We need to be about the Father's business.  What will YOU be doing when YOU hear the special sound??? We should not be looking for signs, besides  that's for the Jews, but rather we should be listening for the SHOUT !!! The special sound that ONLY believers will hear when Jesus comes again.  With Engine 630 train whistle, many were going about their regular business, but then, they heard the sound, are you ready ???
First, dear friend you have to be saved / born again, to be apart of, when the saints come marching in.  For whosoever shall on the name of the Lord, shall be shall saved, for with the heart, man believes unto salvation and with your month confession is made. 

God Bless you neighbor, will you heard the sound ??? I hope that you will.

Rev Daniel Samples

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Coming Train and Jesus

John 14:1-3
 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

I had a great time today with my wife and son.  We went to Atlanta to do some RAIL-FANNING.   That means for the Railroad enthusiast, photographing trains, diesel and steam, but for me and my son, we like to photograph (take pictures) of steam locomotives.  One steam locomotive that was schedule run excursion trips for the Southern Railroad Company was Engine 630.  A black steam train that belongs to the Tennessee Valley Railroad museum in Chattanooga Tennessee.  It came to Atlanta this week and many rail fans where on site to view and take pictures of the Grand Engine.   He was schedule for four short run trips from downtown Atlanta to Forrest Park and back again.  It was a special trip that Southern Railroad was doing for its employees.  And only they had the tickets to ride the Grand Old Train Engine 630.  Of course,  we had to wake up very early Saturday morning, (Oh me) to be ready to catch the Train.  Upon arrival downtown Atlanta, near the Georgia Dome area, it was so interesting to see an actual steam train, in Atlanta, with the CNN Center Building in the background and the steam train puffing steam & smoke preparing for their first departure.  (We have many pictures & recorded many videos)  The train left at the appointed time and my family and I went to Hapeville to watch it go down the street, in the middle of the town.  For there are railroad tracks there and it goes through the town.  Upon arriving, we found  a great spot to take pictures and record videos.  A recurring statement was made, that inspired me to write this blog.  If I heard once, I must have heard it 2 or 3 times.  They said "He's coming !!, He's coming!!"  We heard that he's coming.  God started working on my heart and mind.  The spiritual lessons here are obvious and many to tell.   Jesus told us of his return.  It's recorded in the New Testament of the Bible. And it's mentioned in the Old Testament as well.  The coming Messiah of the old testament is the Christ of the New Testament. Anyway, Jesus' return is in the bible and He will return some glad day.  The question is are YOU READY ??? Are you ready for the return of Christ ???  The disciple John wrote about it, the Apostle Paul wrote about it, especially in the Books of 1st & 2nd Thessalonians and the Apostle Peter wrote about it in his two books.  He's coming soon and there's no doubt, I will leave this world with a shout !!! as the song says.  AGAIN, the spiritual lessons are obvious.  Pack your bags, get your ticket, be ready for HE'S COMING, HE'S COMING !!! And are you ready???

But first friend, you must be saved, you must be born again, you must accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.  Then and only Then will you be ready for his return. see Romans 10:13, John 3:16, Proverbs 3:5, John 3:36, Romans 5:8-9 . . .
The song says " Coming again, coming again, it may be morning or it may be noon, it may be night or it may be soon.  Jesus is coming again !!!

(There are many songs written about the return of Jesus, from the Red Church Hymn book, "When Jesus comes in the clouds", another song is " Some golden day break Jesus will come" and Southern Gospel group, the Inspirations sung, "Jesus is coming soon" ) Gold City quartet song " the mid-night cry" when Jesus comes again.)  And there are Moives too.

God Bless you neighbor, God loves you, please be ready,
Rev. Daniel Samples