Saturday, May 26, 2012

A spirit led Mother

Proverbs 1:7-9

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:
For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.

Sometimes, Moms lead the way spiritually.  I've seen this time and time again.  And praise the Lord for a God fearing, God honoring and spirit led Mom !!!  Many  families will go through a spiritual down time.  Dad gets down, of course that's who the devil tries to wear down, and many get in the what's the use mode.  Before you know it the whole family is down and not going to church.  We see this all to often.  Then the Holy Spirit will work on Mom.  She knows what's right, she knows what to do.  She knows at-least-get-back-God.  Dad knows about this too.  But he is reluctant to do anything and prideful.  God will work on her heart and she will get ready then go to church on Sunday.  Dad will agree within himself and go with her.  A great thing to see, at least for me, is to see a praying Mother.  I've seen a Mom pray for her husband what seem like every Sunday, then He got back in church.  Later he would work in the Bus ministry and was called to preach, then later, pastored a church.  Thank God for a praying MOM !!! 
So it was for my family.  Dad was a son of a preacher and Mom was a daughter of a preacher.  They both knew that they needed to be in church and that they needed to have their children in church.  My Mom was a nurse and she had a christian co-worker.  Who believed in God and attended church weekly.  She invited my Mom to church.  She went and carried my sister with her.  Then my brothers and I.   And Dad finally got in, too.
It's years later now, and my wife and I were just reflecting on my families past.  One of my brother became a minister, the other was ordained as a deacon and works in the children ministry.  My sister became a Sunday school teacher and then married and her husband became a deacon.  Two nephews were called to preach and nieces are church workers and in church.   Praise the Lord for a spirit led Mom !!! 
Praise the Lord for the Christian ladies who has kept the faith and stayed with GOD.  Heaven will truly reveal your rewards for following God.
But dear friend, you have to be saved, born again, see John chap 3. in the bible.  You have to be saved for God to put his love in your heart. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. see Romans 10:13.  Also, Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, proverbs 3;5

God Bless you neighbor,
Rev. Daniel Samples

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