Sunday, April 22, 2012


I heard the star fish story for the first time in the mid 1980's on a Sunday night service from a missionary on his way to Alaska, to win souls and do a work for God.  I will tell it here and then give some closing thoughts.

One day a man was walking down the sea shore picking up Star fish that had washed  ashore on the beach and throwing them back in the ocean.  It seem harmless but a doable task and the Star fish could die as he is and in his position on the beach. So the man walk down the beach and pickup the star fish and threw them  back in the ocean.  A friend saw him and went to him and asked what was he doing. The man said throwing star fish back in the ocean.  The friend looked and measured the great task and said but that are so many, does it really matter ??? The man stop for a second, then reached down grabbed another star fish and threw him back in the ocean, then said to his friend, it does to this one. He grabbed another starfish and threw back in and said again, it does to this one , repeating the same act several times and saying it does to this one, it does to this one

Jesus saves us one at a time. But when the Devil comes by and says" DOES IT REALLY MATTER ??? Jesus will say as He open heavens gate and point, IT DOES TO THIS ONE ! then He points to another IT DOES TO THIS ONE, IT DOES TO THIS ONE !!!

Well that's me too, I was saved on February 17th, 1974 at the Victory Baptist Church, 202 Canton Road, Cumming, Ga.  I confessed my sins and accepted Jesus Christ in my heart to be my Lord and Savior. You better believe it, it did matter to me.  I can tell the time, I can show you the place where the Lord saved ME!! AND even if I forget, if my mind goes bad, MY Lord keeps a record of those who are saved. 

Dear Friend, we need to be about the Father's business, Preaching, teaching and soul winning. Mark 16:15 says to go ye in ALL the world, Jesus said, as My Father hath sent me, even so send  I you, John 20:21.

First, be saved, whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.  Rom. 10:13, Then hear His call and serve Him to the best of you ability.

God Bless neighbor, with another blog,
Rev. Daniel Samples

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