Sunday, April 8, 2012


He is Risen !!!

As I started to refresh my memory, earlier this week, on the resurrection of Jesus, I realize that "this is BIG stuff man",  Really, from His love to laid down his life, to the stone rolling away, to where His grave clothes where laying aside neatly, just thrill my soul and puts a great big smile on my face. 
The facts recorded in the Four Gospels in the New Testament, of which, one Bible commentary called each gospel writer an evangelist, literally an announcer, announcing a message, all tell of His great love and the laying down of his life  and wonderfully rising from the dead.  Also, of course, the Apostle Paul had great insights and information in the books / letters that he wrote. It's very thrilling !!!
But a couple of facts to mention here  is very exciting and interesting.  Let us consider the stone that was rolled away from the borrowed tomb where He laid.  It was rolled away by God to SHOW the world that HE was not there.  Notice the witness of the world and what they saw for a fact is truly amazing. They saw that Jesus was dead, they saw that he was wrapped in grave clothes, they saw that He was laid in a tomb and they saw the stone rolled away.  That which saw, they did testify of things things. Then, there was a critical suggestion that some of Jesus' followers stole the body from the tomb. But who could roll the stone away and how many would it take to do this.  And if they stole the body why was the grave clothes neatly laid aside, considering if the body was stolen, the body and clothes would been taken in hast. But the testimony is that the body was gone and grave clothes were neatly set aside as if someone had taken them off and neatly set them aside. And I could say more, but time space will not allow it.  I believe in the resurrection of Jesus, I believe that He lived, He died and rose again !!! Hallelujah !!!

Dear neighbor, put your trust in the risen saviour today, call on the name of the LORD, as mention in Romans 10:13 be saved, John 3:16 says whosoever believes in Him. Read in the bible the book of John and especially Romans Chapters 3 - 6, make your decision find a preacher (I suggest a Baptist preacher) but a preacher of the gospel. Speak to a christian worker and call those prayer lines that you see on television or even email me. Call on the name of the Lord right there by yourself  and He will save you.  Then testify to a preacher that you did and then live for Him. Use the bible has your life's manual and guide. Google Billy Graham on your computer and start with the information that they will give you. :-)

song:"He has risen, hallelujah, He is risen, hallelujah, He is risen H-A-L-L-E-L-U-J-A-H !!!"

God Bless you friend,

Rev. Daniel Samples

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