Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Five Dollar Blessing

Proverbs 3:5-6
 5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
 6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

It was the mid 1950's and the Mother with two sons needed to go to  the doctor for one of her two boys was running a very high fever.  There was a free clinic in Atlanta and Mom had just enough money to take a bus to get there and back.  So she prayed and trusted God for guidance and they rode the bus from that small northern metro town of Atlanta and arrive at the hospital building and went in.  The mother told her oldest son of ten years, stay here in the lobby while I take your brother upstairs to the doctor's office.  So they entered the elevator as she carried the three year old brother to see the doctor.  Well, thirty minutes lead to an hour and an hour lead to two hours.  It was a very long time to wait for the little boy and he became very anxious and tired.  Mother could not leave her sick three year boy but the ten year old boy  to his credit stayed at his designated place that was set by mom on the couch in the lobby.  The boy, like many little boys, got to rolling around and laying down on the couch. Then to his great surprise he found a FIVE dollar bill in the cushions of the couch.  His eyes got very big and heart was filled with excitement.  I must tell Mom he thought, but no, I must stay here until his mother returns. And he did as he was instructed.  Mom finally came down with his brother and they were ready for the return trip home.  The young lad showed his mother the five dollar bill and said look what I found in the cushions of the couch.  The mother being a Christian lady knew it was a gift from God.  She knew that God works in mysterious ways.  By this time the young lad was tired and hungry so he asked his mom could they go to the local grill for a coke and a hamburger, which they did very happily.  The lad would grow up and become a successful business man selling insurance.  In 2005 he made the million-dollar-round-table selling insurance and financial services.  But through all his success, through all the hard times, He still remembers the miracle of God that day of his youth.  He can still taste the cola and the burger that he ate, because of the FIVE DOLLAR BLESSING.

His Mother was a Christan, she believed in God and you can too.  God can provide a five dollar blessing to you. I believe God can provide an equal amount today. What was five dollars back then, could equal 50 to 100 today, who knows should we put a value on it???   Phil 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. God can provide.

Dear Friend, God wants to bless you.  Trust in the Lord TODAY !!! Call on HIM right now !!! Accept Him as your personally Lord and Savior.  Romans 10:13

God Bless you and God loves you neighbor.

Rev. Daniel Samples

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