Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Five Dollar Blessing

Proverbs 3:5-6
 5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
 6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

It was the mid 1950's and the Mother with two sons needed to go to  the doctor for one of her two boys was running a very high fever.  There was a free clinic in Atlanta and Mom had just enough money to take a bus to get there and back.  So she prayed and trusted God for guidance and they rode the bus from that small northern metro town of Atlanta and arrive at the hospital building and went in.  The mother told her oldest son of ten years, stay here in the lobby while I take your brother upstairs to the doctor's office.  So they entered the elevator as she carried the three year old brother to see the doctor.  Well, thirty minutes lead to an hour and an hour lead to two hours.  It was a very long time to wait for the little boy and he became very anxious and tired.  Mother could not leave her sick three year boy but the ten year old boy  to his credit stayed at his designated place that was set by mom on the couch in the lobby.  The boy, like many little boys, got to rolling around and laying down on the couch. Then to his great surprise he found a FIVE dollar bill in the cushions of the couch.  His eyes got very big and heart was filled with excitement.  I must tell Mom he thought, but no, I must stay here until his mother returns. And he did as he was instructed.  Mom finally came down with his brother and they were ready for the return trip home.  The young lad showed his mother the five dollar bill and said look what I found in the cushions of the couch.  The mother being a Christian lady knew it was a gift from God.  She knew that God works in mysterious ways.  By this time the young lad was tired and hungry so he asked his mom could they go to the local grill for a coke and a hamburger, which they did very happily.  The lad would grow up and become a successful business man selling insurance.  In 2005 he made the million-dollar-round-table selling insurance and financial services.  But through all his success, through all the hard times, He still remembers the miracle of God that day of his youth.  He can still taste the cola and the burger that he ate, because of the FIVE DOLLAR BLESSING.

His Mother was a Christan, she believed in God and you can too.  God can provide a five dollar blessing to you. I believe God can provide an equal amount today. What was five dollars back then, could equal 50 to 100 today, who knows should we put a value on it???   Phil 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. God can provide.

Dear Friend, God wants to bless you.  Trust in the Lord TODAY !!! Call on HIM right now !!! Accept Him as your personally Lord and Savior.  Romans 10:13

God Bless you and God loves you neighbor.

Rev. Daniel Samples

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I heard the star fish story for the first time in the mid 1980's on a Sunday night service from a missionary on his way to Alaska, to win souls and do a work for God.  I will tell it here and then give some closing thoughts.

One day a man was walking down the sea shore picking up Star fish that had washed  ashore on the beach and throwing them back in the ocean.  It seem harmless but a doable task and the Star fish could die as he is and in his position on the beach. So the man walk down the beach and pickup the star fish and threw them  back in the ocean.  A friend saw him and went to him and asked what was he doing. The man said throwing star fish back in the ocean.  The friend looked and measured the great task and said but that are so many, does it really matter ??? The man stop for a second, then reached down grabbed another star fish and threw him back in the ocean, then said to his friend, it does to this one. He grabbed another starfish and threw back in and said again, it does to this one , repeating the same act several times and saying it does to this one, it does to this one

Jesus saves us one at a time. But when the Devil comes by and says" DOES IT REALLY MATTER ??? Jesus will say as He open heavens gate and point, IT DOES TO THIS ONE ! then He points to another IT DOES TO THIS ONE, IT DOES TO THIS ONE !!!

Well that's me too, I was saved on February 17th, 1974 at the Victory Baptist Church, 202 Canton Road, Cumming, Ga.  I confessed my sins and accepted Jesus Christ in my heart to be my Lord and Savior. You better believe it, it did matter to me.  I can tell the time, I can show you the place where the Lord saved ME!! AND even if I forget, if my mind goes bad, MY Lord keeps a record of those who are saved. 

Dear Friend, we need to be about the Father's business, Preaching, teaching and soul winning. Mark 16:15 says to go ye in ALL the world, Jesus said, as My Father hath sent me, even so send  I you, John 20:21.

First, be saved, whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.  Rom. 10:13, Then hear His call and serve Him to the best of you ability.

God Bless neighbor, with another blog,
Rev. Daniel Samples

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Peaceful Success

As you guys have notice I forward some of Dr. Charles Stanley's Daily Devotions on my Google Blog spot from time to time.  Today is another one from earlier this month.  So I'll copy and paste a recent daily devotional and then give my closing comments at the end of this blog.   Besides, we are laborers together with God.

What Is Your True Purpose  1 Samuel 16:6-13
What do you live for each day? A pay raise? Retirement? Then perhaps you've discovered the reality that basing aspirations on getting ahead in this world typically ends in disappointment. People with a misguided sense of direction often wonder why they feel unfulfilled.  Maybe you've already realized a goal of saving for the future or moving up the corporate ladder. You give to charity and volunteer at church, but somehow still feel a sense of insignificance or aimlessness. If so, there is a truth you need to hear: God gives each of us life for a very specific reason: to serve Him. Nobody finds inner peace without reconciling this fact. Our society teaches us that pleasure, prosperity, position, and popularity will make us happy--but living in the service of self always leaves an emptiness no earthly reward can fill.
Besides, worldly philosophy won't stand the test of time. Few of us are going to live even 100 years. So whatever we'll become in this life, we're in the process of becoming that right now. Consider David: he was anointed king long before actually assuming the role (1 Sam. 16:12). He spent many years serving the purpose of God in insignificant places while developing into a great man. As his story shows, discovering God's purpose for your life is the surest path to success.
Our heavenly Father's purpose for our lives comes from His heart of love--which is perfect. None of us can foretell the great things He has in store for us, but we can trust His plan completely. Surrender to Him today and say, "Not my will, Lord, but Yours be done."

Dear Friend, there's nothing like the peaceful success in serving God.  It is very satisfying and honorable.  But one has to be saved first, born-again. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Romans 10:13  The way it goes is be saved, be called and serve Him.  There's call to salvation and a call to serve.  God works in many ways at many times.  Become a child of God, born into his family and most definitely YOU will hear the call and want to serve HIM.

God Bless neighbor,
Rev. Daniel Samples

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Mailman and the Ford Falcon

Proverbs 3
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.When I was a boy growing up, we were very poor and live in an old house.  I've talked to my brothers later in life and we agree that we did not realize how poor we actually was at that time.  Maybe poor in finances, but rich in smiles and childhood fun.  We were always on the outside playing in the yard.  I guess it was very noticeable to neighbors, friends and the Mailman.  He drove a blueish green Ford Falcon.  A small car that got good gas mileage and dependable. A great car to use by a Mailman. As he drove by our house, sometimes stopping at our mail box and other times continuing his daily route, he would smile and hold his fist at us.  Almost like he wanted to stop and play.  My brothers and sister never interrupted the gesture as something mean or ugly, we could tell by his face that he was a kind man.  I was told later that he would often look at my Dad's vegetable garden. Admiring how clean and straight it was to him.  But he always smiled at us children and we would stare and smile back at him.   He was a Christan, a church goer, and went to one of our local baptist church in our community.  Realizing the hand of GOD was on my familes' life,  I feel like God moved on that mailman's heart.  And one day he stop and invited us to church.  He came by in his Ford Falcon and picked up us children and took us to church.  Which would be a reoccurring thing.  As many found that there was three boys and one girl in that household, and many wanted us to come to their church, Baptist and Methodist.  My, how there was a God's conscience back then, But now, in my life, as I think about that time, it touches my heart how God moved on that mailman's heart to want to take those children to church. And one of those children was me.  I did not get saved, neither did my brothers or sister, BUT GOD WAS WORKING.  You see, our of those children came two preachers, a deacon and Sunday school teacher, and she, my sister, would eventually become a wife to a deacon.  But God moved on the mailman's heart !!! When he saw the children and realize that they needed to be in church.  He did what he could.  And invited and carried us to church !!!Dear Friend, who is GOD dealing with you about inviting someone or even picking them up for church. You might be surprise how God will use that converted soul  and knowing that God used you in a little way for that person to get saved and born again.  The scripture says "trust in the Lord" and " he shall direct your path". That's what the mailman did and this is what you and I, should do as well.Rev. Daniel

Sunday, April 8, 2012


He is Risen !!!

As I started to refresh my memory, earlier this week, on the resurrection of Jesus, I realize that "this is BIG stuff man",  Really, from His love to laid down his life, to the stone rolling away, to where His grave clothes where laying aside neatly, just thrill my soul and puts a great big smile on my face. 
The facts recorded in the Four Gospels in the New Testament, of which, one Bible commentary called each gospel writer an evangelist, literally an announcer, announcing a message, all tell of His great love and the laying down of his life  and wonderfully rising from the dead.  Also, of course, the Apostle Paul had great insights and information in the books / letters that he wrote. It's very thrilling !!!
But a couple of facts to mention here  is very exciting and interesting.  Let us consider the stone that was rolled away from the borrowed tomb where He laid.  It was rolled away by God to SHOW the world that HE was not there.  Notice the witness of the world and what they saw for a fact is truly amazing. They saw that Jesus was dead, they saw that he was wrapped in grave clothes, they saw that He was laid in a tomb and they saw the stone rolled away.  That which saw, they did testify of things things. Then, there was a critical suggestion that some of Jesus' followers stole the body from the tomb. But who could roll the stone away and how many would it take to do this.  And if they stole the body why was the grave clothes neatly laid aside, considering if the body was stolen, the body and clothes would been taken in hast. But the testimony is that the body was gone and grave clothes were neatly set aside as if someone had taken them off and neatly set them aside. And I could say more, but time space will not allow it.  I believe in the resurrection of Jesus, I believe that He lived, He died and rose again !!! Hallelujah !!!

Dear neighbor, put your trust in the risen saviour today, call on the name of the LORD, as mention in Romans 10:13 be saved, John 3:16 says whosoever believes in Him. Read in the bible the book of John and especially Romans Chapters 3 - 6, make your decision find a preacher (I suggest a Baptist preacher) but a preacher of the gospel. Speak to a christian worker and call those prayer lines that you see on television or even email me. Call on the name of the Lord right there by yourself  and He will save you.  Then testify to a preacher that you did and then live for Him. Use the bible has your life's manual and guide. Google Billy Graham on your computer and start with the information that they will give you. :-)

song:"He has risen, hallelujah, He is risen, hallelujah, He is risen H-A-L-L-E-L-U-J-A-H !!!"

God Bless you friend,

Rev. Daniel Samples