Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Second time to witness for Him

While I am on a roll here going down memory lane, another time I witnessed for Christ  was to a co-worker, we had been on several work projects together and became close, yet I realize he needed Christ as his savior and I wanted to share with Him, well I took the tract approach, again, as this was before my bible college days.

Well, it did not turn out well, he made fun of the gospel tract and me, and I was the  joke of the office that day. Later he started dating a Christian girl that he met from an online dating service, we would talk about the new style Christian music that she and he liked,  upbeat and rock-n-roll type, they got in church and they got married then moved to NC.
I thank the Lord for bringing these thoughts back to mind today, my first witness and my first co-worker witness. I cannot ever remember using these stories from the pulpit or on radio after all these years, but they are clear today in mind as the day they happened. Well, praise - the - Lord !!

Gentlemen, I may not be in the pulpit every Sunday, as social media and blogging is my service for Him now, but I still have fire burning in my heart. And my booking agent, is the Holy Spirit, and He will book me something soon.

Pray for us,

Rev Dan
(oh, the scripture John 1:42 he brought him to Jesus, this has set me off today) PTL!!

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