Friday, May 10, 2019

My thrid attempt

My third attempt to witness for Christ.

Well, let’s just call it my third attempt, really it was just another attempt to witness to a lost soul, friend, co-worker.  As mentioned, I had tried the gospel tract approach twice with no success, however a seed was planted and an opportunity to saved was passed and recorded it in his God’s books. This time I tried the book approach. I had reasoned, since my co-worker was electronic engineer, he might read a gospel book written by a engineer, Clarence Larkins. “Rightly Dividing the word” was the book I gave co-worker and he quietly took the book.  Months later he tried to give it back saying it was not for him, but  I insisted he keep the book, only if it remind him of me.

So another seed was planted, an opportunity to be saved passed, the message of salvation was presented, and he did have a chose to accept.  As I mentioned before, I witness to two coworkers and they became friends, so perhaps the two found the LORD later in life.

My disclaimer, now these are not the only times I witness for Christ, just stories that came back to my mind, after I heard the scripture read in john 1:41 and  “he brought him to Jesus”  I’ve led others, over the telephone and in the altar in a church, even in a Sunday school class, but those were seeking Him and were ready to be saved.

But have you accepted Christ as your personal LORD and Savior, you can, just called / pray, call on Him today, we will hear you and he will save you.
Rev. Dan

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Second time to witness for Him

While I am on a roll here going down memory lane, another time I witnessed for Christ  was to a co-worker, we had been on several work projects together and became close, yet I realize he needed Christ as his savior and I wanted to share with Him, well I took the tract approach, again, as this was before my bible college days.

Well, it did not turn out well, he made fun of the gospel tract and me, and I was the  joke of the office that day. Later he started dating a Christian girl that he met from an online dating service, we would talk about the new style Christian music that she and he liked,  upbeat and rock-n-roll type, they got in church and they got married then moved to NC.
I thank the Lord for bringing these thoughts back to mind today, my first witness and my first co-worker witness. I cannot ever remember using these stories from the pulpit or on radio after all these years, but they are clear today in mind as the day they happened. Well, praise - the - Lord !!

Gentlemen, I may not be in the pulpit every Sunday, as social media and blogging is my service for Him now, but I still have fire burning in my heart. And my booking agent, is the Holy Spirit, and He will book me something soon.

Pray for us,

Rev Dan
(oh, the scripture John 1:42 he brought him to Jesus, this has set me off today) PTL!!

He brought Him to Jesus

And He Brought him to Jesus John 1:42

I heard scripture reading John 1 on MWBM radio this morning, and the phrase "And he brought him to Jesus" blessed me today, They are many ways we can bring people to Jesus, and when you do, let Him do the rest. The ministry of Andrew and Philip was to bring many to Jesus, they brought family, friends and seekers of Christ.

Also get the free MWBM app for you cell phone and tablet, I did for my tablet and the songs and music is very clear and most enjoyable.


I was just thinking of my first attempt to witness for Christ, I handed my fellow school bus rider a Gospel tract, I was age 14, He read it / looked at it then handed it back to me and said well we have only one life to live, and he did not accept Christ that day, if he did not get saved, God will remind him of all chances he had in this life at the sinner's judgement (great white throne) the books will be opened!!

Why do we preached ye must be born again, it's because, ye  must be born again.

Come to Jesus and leave it there!!


(There's still a fire burning within me)

Friday, May 3, 2019

Three things that are important to GOD

Three things that are important to GOD

As I was reading in Revelation Chapter 11, the phrase “ark of his testimony” jumped out at me and GOD spoke to my heart and mind.

OF course, it’s talking about the Ark of the covenant that was to be placed in the Tabernacle that GOD has told Moses to build in the wilderness.  More specifically it was to be placed in the Holy place. It was would be GOD’s chair, as he came down to dwell with His people.

Inside the Golden Ark, over laid with gold with two cherubim on top, were three items. The Law, manna and Aaron’s rod that budded.

First the Law, literally   GOD’s word. GOD’s word came down to man with Moses on stone tablets. GOD had hewed them, writing them out on stone.  Which speaks of it eternal / long lasting usage.  His word is forever. But the LAW, GOD’s word came was seen and came down to man, specifically HIS people.

Secondly, the second item was a pot of manna, a golden pot of manna. Manna, that bread that fell from Heaven. Israel, GOD’s people were in need, hungry, about to died, but GOD provided a way.  They would not have to died in the wilderness in their current condition.

Thirdly, the third item in the ark was Aaron’s rod that budded. GOD brought to life Aaron’s rod. There were twelve other rods, but GOD chose Aaron’s rod.  Its produced buds and blossoms with ripe almonds.

These three items GOD command Moses to put in the ark, the ark of His testimony!!

SO let’s take a look at the three items. Immediately, we see the number “3”. That’s GOD’s number, Elohim, GOD the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. This definitely testifies of GOD.  BUT, the three items also testify of GOD and His dear son, JESUS CHRIST.

First, the LAW, His word, Jesus was identified as the word, see John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Secondly, the Golden Pot of manna, WOW!! that bread that came down from Heaven, Jesus said John 6

 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. 36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not.

Thirdly, Aaron’s Rod that budded.  That which was dead came alive, this speaks of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, also, GOD’s chosen one and  authority on His son JESUS.

The three items speak of Jesus Christ, GOD’s son and this is GOD’s testimony, Matt 3

 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17 and lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

GOD’s testimony to the world and mankind is His word, the Law, His Son Jesus came down from heaven and His son, Jesus’ resurrection.

What was written and happen in Exodus is repeated in the book of the Revelation, First Century Christianity.

Praise- the- LORD!!! Amen, Amen & Amen!!!

May God bless you,

Rev Dan

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Smoking through the Gospels

Smoking through the Gospels

Last Sunday our pastor allowed a member of the Gideon's to speak at our church.

The Gideons place bibles in schools, college, military, hotels and jails. They are know as Gideons International. And I quote / copy and paste
Gideons International is an evangelical Christian association founded in 1899 in Wisconsin. The Gideons' primary activity is distributing copies of the Bible free of charge. This Bible distribution is a global enterprise taking place in some 200 countries, territories and possessions.

One story that he mentioned was from a New Testament bible that was placed in a jail. Well, one prisoner got a bible, but used it, the pages / page to roll cigarettes to smoke. So that went on for a while, tearing out each page to roll his cigarettes.  He went through the book of Matthew, Mark and Luke tearing each out, until he got to the book of JOHN, and He began to read pages from the book of John, then God spoke to his heart and the prisoner got saved, became a child of GOD, he prayed and he accepted Jesus into his heart.

Well, praise-the-Lord!!

He literally smoked his way through the gospels. Now he is out of jail and living for God.

Now, I would not recommend smoking, but get to God, and God getting you attention, I am ALL for that.  It is very interesting the Book of John is sold at Christian book stores as a book by itself. Many Christian workers, will just place / hand out a copy of the book of John when trying to lead a lost person the Christ.

SO you don't have to smoke, go to a Christian book store, go to a Hotel and find a bible, perhaps turn to the book of John first then read it and let God speak to your heart.

Accept Jesus into your heart, and He will save you,

May GOD bless you,