Friday, March 10, 2017

It pays to serve God

15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Josh 24:15

The other day, I heard a message about singer who had turned her life over to Lord to serve Him. She got a musical education in college and she sung with several small groups in high school and college. She got her break by seeing a late night commercial searching for talent. She saw the commercial, mailed them a tape with three song and some pictures. So she moved to Nashville and sung backup with several known groups in the 1980s. While in Nashville she went and sung at a local jail. She helped a boyfriend and they ministered to those in jail.

Then she hit rock bottom. Drugs and alcohol had taken over her life and she went home back to her home church and got right with the Lord. She got married and had two children, two girls and moved to Atlanta with her family.  After a couple of years at their new home they needed some trees to be cut down in their yard. So she called a tree service and the men came out to do the job. As she pointed to trees that she and husband wanted to have cut down and she noticed one of men was particularly staring at her, it kind of gave her the creeps but the man seem very polite.

So she went back into the house and of course, she heard a lot of sawing and cutting. Later that day the job was done by the men. One of them asked if she would inspect one the tree stumps. It was a very odd request but she did. One man was standing over the tree stump said look here and he had carved a cross in the tree stump. He said you probably do not remember me, but I remember you when you and a boyfriend came by the jail to sing and minister to us, well I GOT SAVED that night and became a Christian. And I have always prayed that God would allow me to see you again to let you know that I got saved.

Well, How about that!! God answered his pray and she rejoiced in the Lord for what she did for God many years ago. Isn’t God good!! Truly it pays to serve the Lord!!

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