Monday, March 13, 2017

10000th pageview

10000th page view

I was looking at my blog stats and older post the other day and found where I had not written a blog post on my 10,000th view, WOW!! Who would have thought it!!

While I started this blog in 2011, it was not until September of that year I really caught on to what the Lord would have me do with this blog and the viewing numbers started to increase.  Along with that the stats on how many countries that viewed caught my attention too.  As google blog stats shows the blog post views, and the audience with their country. I have said this many times, it makes this old southern country preacher boy very excited to see the stats from countries around the world viewing this blog.

“Reaching outside of the walls of the church”, I am convince this is my ministry for now. Using social media to promote the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, while teaching God’s word, way and wisdom.

Truly it is my desire to see many saved / born again and for them find a good church to attend on the Lord’s Day, Sunday. You will need fellowship and friendship with the church. I am just a seed planter and the seed is the word of God. Some seeds will fall on shallow ground and die from no depth; some will fall but get choked up from  other thoughts and ideas, but praise the Lord, some with fall on good ground and will take root and flourish.  See Matt. 13:1-8

So not having written anything about the 10k blog view, was sort of my doings and idea, as I do remember thinking I will wait until the numbers increase a little pass 10,000 and then say or write something.

So let’s do the math, years, month and daily averages, 10000 views over a five year period, which average 2000 views a year, which average 166.6 monthly and 5.5 daily in a 30 day period. (Well, not to bad and may I say it could be better)

But the biggest number will be shown in heaven for the ones that got saved and the ones that this gospel blog helped.  I praise the Lord for it. By the way, the word of God has a written in success, as promised in the Old Testament, in Isaiah 55:11,in that, as the word of God goes out it will not return void or empty, but accomplish its work, just like the rain and I says for that  Praise-the-Lord!!

But dear friend, what about your soul's salvation?? Are you saved, have you been born again, if not, please call on the good Lord today and He will save you, and God is dealing with about serving Him, please do so, work out with a church of your choice. 

In Jesus name, A-men,
Rev. Dan

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