Friday, April 1, 2016

Me and the storm

Me and the Storm

There is a saying that says either we are going into a storm, in a storm or just leaving a storm.  I have heard that statement for years my life time.  While going to work one morning in my Ford F150 pickup and several storms had come through our area in North Georgia, I grabbed for an older CD that I had of a Gospel quartet from many years ago.  Usually, on a Friday mornings I like oldies and upbeat music to enjoy the day, well, because it’s FRIDAY.  But my heart and spirit was not satisfied with that. I just did not want it.  So first song played and it was good, and then second song, “Between me and the storm” And God started talking to my heart and mind.

As mentioned, we are either about to enter in a storm, in the middle or leaving a storm.  As I thought about this in my mind, fear came across me, and I asked Dear God, what is about to happen to me?? I am so happy with you this morning, are you preparing me for a big storm a head??  I said, if so, oh God, please prepare me, show me and help me.
Then, I thought, well maybe I am in midst of a big storm and don’t even realize it, perhaps I am sinking and don’t even know it.  I said Oh God, help me not to sink down, let me walk on the waters with you.

And then, maybe I am leaving the storm and it feels good to feel your closeness and your touch in my heart, which brings joy in my heart with happy tears in my life today. And I say, Thank you Lord for your blessings on me on this day and this morning.
You know, I did not go looking for a great filling of God, it just happened. I could not turn it turn on neither could I control it, it just happened and in a time of about twenty minutes.  As I yielded to Him and He filled me!!

This has happened to me before and at other times.  I would be minding my own business, such as my own self and secular things and then God shows up and speaks to my heart and mind.  May I say it’s always been good, the peace and joy that flows to me is like talking to an old friend as we share together some familiar thoughts and reminisce past things.
Of course, this type of relationship comes from many, many years of relations with God as I served Him and had fellowship with Him in prayer and bible study.  But, you too may have that relationship with God, you must be born again.  You must be saved and become a child of God.  For with the heart man believes and with mouth confession is made, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God bless you friend, please call on Him today.

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