Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How did you find this place

How did you find this place??

A few years ago my nephew, Rev. Michael Samples, answered the call of God to be a Missionary / Church Planter.  After the call, He sought God as to the area where should he go. For him, God spoke and showed him the place, Belleville, Kansas.

Service for God can be a process.  Meaning, hearing the call, accepting the call and then asking God what would He have you have to do or in this case, where do you want me to go.  After much prayer and many visits too many areas, God showed Him the city Belleville. So they loaded up the truck moved to Belleville. Where they started and have a great work for the Lord.

My brother and sister in-law has made several trips there, since their son’s family moved there. And one of the most interesting question they get from the local people and local pastors is “How did you find this place” And it seems like almost a letdown and unbelief when my nephew tells them “God brought me here”, God showed me this place.

Well, allowing God to direct you and use you is such a foreign thing, too many and even among believers. But really, it’s the way God works.  God works in a process of time. Many think it’s a one stop thing. Where he calls you to salvation then service and shows you where to service Him, all at once. But God works in mysterious ways and ways that are different to our ways, but is understandable to us. As we pray and read the scriptures His words and ways come together. And it always will.

The problem is we ourselves. Either we get head of God and do not honestly listen to Him. And we do things not according to His will. In the bible, Solomon wrote in Proverbs Chapter 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, verse says in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct they path”.

Preacher, how did you find this place, well, God told him and showed him. The bible says in Psalms 25:4-5 Show me they ways, O Lord, tech me they paths, Lead me in thy truth, teach me for thou art the God of my salvation.

Dear friend God wants to show you, teach you and lead you, but first, you must be saved, born again, for with the heart man believes and with mouth confession is made unto salvation, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

May God bless you and keep you,


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