Wednesday, August 12, 2015

God's Light on YOU

 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

The other day, as I was taking my son to work in my Ford pickup truck.  We went down the road in my sub-division to the main road. Well, I thought my wind-shield was clean and transparent until, the SUN light shined on  it and it exposed all the blemishes, then GOD spoke to my mind and heart.

We live in this world and we think everything is all right spiritually in our life. Our walk, our words, our ways and our wisdom, are so transparent and nothing is seen, no blemishes and no wrongs. Until we put the light of His Word in our life and then it exposes all. All the mental, emotional and physical things that are in our life.  There is such a push these days to accept secular "self helps" and not turn to the bible to show you the way.

It very interesting and I want to be careful here, as I write this blog, but the brightest room in our home will be the bath room. For there, we need light to correct our appearances and groom ourselves. The make up table, it will have many light for the actors / people who present themselves on TV and the public.  So if we need light to correct our outward look, how much more should we use the light of His word to correct us spiritually.

The scriptures says God is light and His words, ways and wisdom shall direct our lives, not the wisdom of this world !!  For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; Yes, we need the mirror with a great light, let us the Light of His word shine on us !!  Then it will be obvious what needs to be changed / corrected.

But first Friend, have you seen the LIGHT ??  The song of many years age says, "I saw the light !!" no more in darkness, no more night. Praise the Lord !! I saw the Light !!  And you can too my friend, call on the name of the Lord and be saved, accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, for whosoever shall call on the name of Lord shall be saved, for your heart man believes and with your mouth confession is made unto salvation, ye must be born again !!

Come, just as you are, unto the LORD !!

God Bless you friend, in the Lord and in HIS light !!


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