Thursday, June 11, 2015

Truths from John 11

john 11:1-44
We are all familiar with the beautiful account of our Lord raising Lazarus from the Dead; many truths can be mined from the great story and a study of each character we can find application for different times, and areas in our life.
But as a simple overview of the account we can find several truths:
First is that God Loves us; no matter what our situation, circumstances, troubles or trials we can fully trust and believe with no shadow of doubt that God’s love has never and will never fail us. Vs. 3 “Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick”
Second is that God’s glory is the goal; even when things happen and we cannot see or understand what God is doing we have no doubt that we are in God’s hands and in his love and the glory of God is the goal. Vs. 4 “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby”
Third God cares for us; we find in vs. 35 “Jesus wept”. Volumes could be written about this short verse, these two simple words “Jesus wept” but in the midst of everything that is written and studied we can conclude that Christ our Savior cares for us.
Lastly, God’s desire is for us to Go; We find in vs. 39 “take ye away the stone” vs. 44 “Loose him, and let him go.” Often times in our lives we encounter things that are holding us back that must be removed: sin, doubt, and fear, so that we may GO for the Glory of God.
A copy & paste from a preacher friend of mine.
God bless

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