Sunday, June 14, 2015

A earthly story

It has been said that a parable from the bible is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Our Lord Jesus quoted many and they were recorded in the bible in the New Testament. So, as it is with my post today.

I heard this story  recently from secular movie, some of you will recognize it. :-)  But it was said that there are two types of people, the astronomer type and the astronaut type.  One does the study of space, while the other study's going into space.  Both have their place and many do both.

And so it is for the Christian.  Many will study the bible in their world and many will take the bible into all the world. Of course, there's a need for both. BUT, which are you ??
For the christian, it's decided by God.  The call of God will come to you as you read your bible and pray. Many times one will study the bible and the words and ways of God will come out of you like a well of water springing forth out of the ground. Then you will want to share the gospel with others and you will go forth in Jesus name.  While others may be content to just study his word.

But first and always first will be the call of salvation, God will call you to be saved, to become a child of God. Then He will use you.

Really the process of order is, the call to be saved, then study the scriptures and the a call to service. Many times God's more interested making you than using you !! For if He can make you, He can use you.

So call on Him today while He is calling you to be saved. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be save.  Only trust Him, only trust Him now.

God bless you,

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