Monday, March 23, 2015

Stumbling stone :personal & practical

The other day, my wife and I was talking about her bible devotional reading one morning as she was reading in the book of Romans chapter 9 which ends with Paul talking about "stumbling stones" for the Jews.  And that spoke to her heart.  I immediately said oh yes, for me it's my fear that I might be a stumbling stone to others, the young or the old.  But she said, well, for her, it's a certain situation at work that's become a stumbling stone to her, but I know God will get me through it.  Then Good spoke to heart and mind.

For her the stumbling stone was a practical lesson from God as she was telling me that her situation at work was a just a stumbling stone, but we will get around it just have faith and be of good cheer. In practical way,  mine was in a  different.  I do not want someone to stumble in their christian life as they might hear or see me doing something that's wrong in their sight.  And this a personal thing with me.

So for that part of the scriptures it has a personal and practical application for the both of us. Of course, when reading the bible, you always seek the primary meaning of a verse in view of the content of the chapter. Scriptures have a personal application, many times you have a ask yourself who is it being written to. Then there's a practical application as it applies to you.  There's also a prophetical application which deals with the future.
But in bible interruption,  these three are what you need to ask yourself.

You also need to ask yourself, "How is you life with God??"  He wants to know and He wants you to know.  He would like like to become your personal Savior and He would like to give a very practical and fulfilling life through the Lord Jesus Christ His son.  The bible says for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For with the heart man believes and with mouth confession is made.

You too can be saved by calling on the Lord today, Ask, Believe, Call (A-B-C) it's just that way if the spirit is leading you. 

God Bless you bless you friend, have a great day.

As it is written, Behold I am laying in Zion a Stone that will make men stumble, a Rock that will make them fall; but he who believes in Him [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] shall not be put to shame nor be disappointed in his expectations

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