Saturday, August 17, 2013

The LIFT we need

The other day, I asked the Lord to help me.  Sometimes, I get a little weary working eight hours a day on my secular job, of which, I am very thankful to have to provide for my family.  But I needed a LIFT from Him.  I pondered the thought, finished my day and went home.
Many of you, may remember in my past blogs, where many times God speaks to me while I am in my old Ford pickup truck, (F150 2003 J )  That quiet time that I have when going to and from work, usually about 20 minutes.  Well, He spoke to me again this day while on the way home. 

My mind went back during the mid 90’s.  It was a Sunday morning and I just came back from the local radio station preaching live on the air.  I came into the house and my wife called out my name “Daniel”.  I knew that tone and that sound meant something was up. She said someone on the telephone for you !!,  And it was a young man that heard the radio broadcast. He had called the radio station but I had already left and they gave him my home phone number.  But there in my kitchen at the table I lead that young man to the LORD. He prayed and I prayed and we rejoiced.  I was so excited I forgot to get his contact information, but I believe I will see him in heaven one day.  And ALL those I had a part in leading them to Christ.
It was a great memory and definitely the LIFT I needed.  It put a new spring in my step and joy in my heart. (and I was completely sober and had no drugs J )  I came in the house from work and verified the story with my wife then we went out for supper.

But dear friend, the lift you need now is from Him.  If you’re lost, He can save you!! If you are sad, He can make you glad !!  The bible says “trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean NOT on the own understanding, in ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He SHALL direct your path !!  and whosoever shall call on the NAME of the LORD shall be saved !!

God Bless you, Sharing my LIFT from the LORD.


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