Sunday, May 26, 2013

4000th blog view

Well, I have made it to another milestone, the 4000th blog view !!  PRAISE-THE-LORD !!  Triple digit readers from Russia and Germany with views from over 12 different countries from around the world, double digits in 80% of them.  And of course, a couple of thousand from here in the states.  I wish that I could say 4000 souls saved, but I know that I am just planting the seeds of the gospel, God will give the increase, and besides my Lord keeps a record !!

I hope that many will see Christ in my stories and experiences with God. You see many times God will speak to my heart and mind.  The Truth is that after many years of bible study and service for the Lord, God starts reminding of his words ans ways.  Truly He speaks in a still small voice.  But most importantly I must emphasize, that it comes from reading and learning His word, the Bible.

Remember the story of Peter after the Lord's death.  Many of the disciples and Peter, decided to go back to fishing.  They were not doing well and Jesus, whom they did not realize, said try on the other side of the boat. And when they did, they caught many, and Peter knew immediately, hey that's the Lord !!  Well, God does that for me many thing times.  I will be riding along in my pickup truck or have life experiences and God will speak to me. It's a great and thing wonderful thing that I have with the Lord.  And I know it's Him.

But dear friend, you can have the same thing too. First be saved, born again, accept Christ as your Lord and Savior into your heart. Get baptise, Live the life of Christ and God will speak to you too.

Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord SHALL be saved !!   (oh, by the way, saved first, then baptised, keep it straight) :-)

God bless you,

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Following the rules

1 John 5:13 - These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

These things are written that you may KNOW !!  Especially those that believe !!

The bible is our (the Christian's) manual, map and mandate for our lives. Really words or rules to live by.

The other day I had one of those God moments in my pick-up truck, where God seems to speak to my heart and mind at many different times.  I was taking my son to school and we had notice that many parents where letting their children out in the back of the building, which was frown upon by the school administration.  They would rather you drop off your child in front of the building.  But the back of the building seem so easy and practical and many parents where doing it.  But it was the end of the year and perhaps this was not an important issue.  And I kept asking my son can we do that, can we go to the back of the building to drop you off for school??  Then my son said something rather interesting, "let's just follow the rules Dad"  And my mind went back to my favorite choir director and friend at my home church. Who would always say "follow the music and it will never lead you wrong!!"  And again, with my youth director, as we were exiting a church parking lot, The signs said exit a certain way, and though it look like we could, I heard him say, let's just follow the rules.  And we exit the church parking lot and went to lunch.

First John 5:13 says these were written for you, that you may know.  They are words for life, words for love and words for living.  And somewhere in your Christian life you will have to take the bible as real and perhaps rules to live by for Christ.  And as you yield to Him, you yield to the spirit and say within yourself, let's just follow the rules. Let's just follow the words of life, His word !!  In the secular world they say it's "situational ethics" I say, just do right!! Don't do wrong, do right!!  (thanks Dr. Bob Jones Sr. :-] ) And just follow the Lord. Trust in Him today.

But first, my friend you must be saved, you must be born again, see John 3.  Born from above, you must except Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior. For whosoever  shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved,   For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. see Romans 10:10

It's always better to follow Him, it's always better to follow the rules.

God Bless you friend,

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

God answers again

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Phil, 4:6

A couple of weeks ago, our family went through a down time spiritually and financially.  Sadness is so often attached to finances.  An extra cost came and the payment was debit from our bank account and we did not think that this would happen.  Beyond that, our son could not get a prom date. He being an high functioning autistic boy, perhaps it might be hard for him. Anyway, we were down and sadden which means it's-time-to-pray !!  (the super spiritual one may say, you should have been praying already)  I say, at least I had sense enough to pray.  Well, it was a Tuesday, my wife prayed on her way to work and I prayed on the way to my way to work, but we did not know this at the time.  The tears flowed from both of us, it's what we call a come-to-Jesus- moment.  So my wife got to work composed herself and started looking for cell phone for she heard it ringing earlier.  While looking in her purse she found a twenty dollar bill in the bottom of her purse.  WOW praise the Lord !!  And the phone ringing was my son, excited that a young girl friend accepted his invitation to go to the prom !!   Wow, the Lord is good !!

It may not mean much to anyone else, but it was very big in our family's life.  And it's all because God answered our prayers.  We prayed, we let our request be made known to HIM.  It doesn't always happen this way, but the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  see James 5:16

Dear friend, I don't know what you are going through in you life, but did you take it to the Lord in prayer?? Some say it's a waste of time or what's the use!  but friend that's the time to pray, that's the time to make your request known to Him. :-)

But first, be saved, accept the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Savior, accept Him into your heart and He will save you and make you a child of God.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God Bless you, I hope this was a blessing,


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We Have Bread !!

I had an experience at work that touched me and I would like to share it with you today.  Our Bosses, management, will occasionally bring in bagels for the employees for a breakfast snack.  A variety of  bagels with a variety of cream cheeses.  (don't tell me wife that I got the sea salt covered bagel with veggie cream cheese)  So it's not something they do weekly, but it is very nice when do.   It was around 8:00am and we had came in that morning at 6:00am so I was a little hunger.  The line boss announced there were bagels in the break room and we rushed to get one.  As we lined up I heard someone say in with their broken English, "WE HAVE BREAD !!"  And we all laugh together.  But then, God started to talk to my heart and mind.  Indeed we do have bread !! We have the Bread of Life, the Lord Jesus Christ.  As the bread came down from heaven (manna) to feed the children of Israel in the Old Testament book of Exodus, so to did Jesus come down from heaven for us.   Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believes on me shall never thirst. The children of Israel rejoiced in their day and we do rejoice today.  WE HAVE BREAD !! and you can have that bread today. 

Dear Friend, is God speaking to you today as you read this blog.  What is missing in you life?? It is the Lord?? Why don't you call on Him today and accept Jesus Christ as you personal Lord and Saviour.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:9.10,13

Israel was taught to remember the miracle of the Bread, that blessed them with while in the wilderness out from Egypt in the Passover.  And Jesus taught us to remember Him with the Bread in the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion and that blesses us.  But through it all, "WE HAVE BREAD !!"

God Bless you,