Monday, July 2, 2012

The Call of GOD and you

In my experience and in the Bible, the call of GOD comes first with hearing.  Hearing the call.  And I must admit this can come through situations, sermons, scriptures and through the Holy Spirit.  Let me briefly explain, God will allow / direct situations to happen in your life, where it gets you attention and helps you to realize, God is talking to you and this is needful in many a person’s life.  Of course there's sermons, God's messenger speaking and the message pointedly lands on your heart.  This is a very good source.  Then  more clearly there's the scriptures, GOD's own words, as you read them, then it starts to work on your heart and mind. Usually, the Holy Spirit enlightens you and guides you, as God is dealing with you.  An inner desire is after the fact, commitment is after the fact, clarification and evaluation is usually after the fact the GOD has spoke to you.  Many times, one will argue with GOD and say 'NOT ME" but it usually is, and the loving Heavenly Father gives you an opportunity to answer the call, and become apart the Father's business.  Abraham believed God, after he heard, Moses heard God, I am that I am.  Peter heard Jesus, gave up fishing, Paul Heard Jesus and God changed his life.  The song says that He speaks in a still small voice. Give me the bible, God's word, read it and take it in.  Then hear a sermon, by one of God's men, to assure you and lead you.  Then be aware of the situations that come to you and that open up to you. It will all come together, if it's of God.  My life's verse, Proverbs 3:5-6, tells it all. Interesting it was the first verse I ever memorize, and yet it's a verse I've used time and time again. 
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

God bless you neighbor, we need to listen and hear when God calls us.

Rev. Daniel Samples

And His call can be for salvation, it can be separation and for service.  :-)

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