Sunday, July 22, 2012

Baseball and The Gatekeepers

John 10:3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

Baseball and The  Gatekeepers
While watching a Baseball history program on the television the other day, I heard the narrator mentioned how the baseball scouts who sat in the stands watching the game were the gate keepers of the future for all the young players wanting to make it in the big leagues.  Then I heard another interview with a former baseball player that, when he was a young boy, could not get in to the stadium to watch a game because the gate keeper would not let him in.  At that moment, God started working on my heart and mind.  There are many spiritual applications here that one could mention, but here’s mine.  In the scripture John 10:3, the porter is really the door or gate keeper.  Jesus is the Good shepherd, there’s no question about this being taught in the scriptures.  The shepherd calls and the sheep hear and He leads them out.  This is how one is saved / born again. Our precious Lord will call through the Holy Spirit or in different ways, and when the sheep hear, and I mean really hear Him, they follow Him for salvation and for service in the ministry.  The Lord speaks at many times and in many ways, but do you really hear Him??
Also, in the computer world, a PC will need a gateway address to access the Internet or join in another network.  A PC can work within itself but is limited in what it could do.  It cannot be all it can be until it learns or access the gateway, only then will it find the way.
Dear friend what are you looking for in your life.  The gate is the place of decision.  You must decide if you want access to life and to the Lord.  It will determine you future and eternity.  Eternity is too long to be wrong!!
The baseball scouts went in many ways and many places to search for a player to become part of his team.  In same way, ministers and preachers are looking for souls to win for the Lord.  And this could be your future, you could become a part of God’s team and have a home in heaven.
God bless you friend,

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