Monday, November 4, 2019

Rembrandt's Crucifixion scene

 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. I Cor 1:17-18

Here we see another moment caught in history painted by the noted Great Artist Rembrandt, in the 1600s. A scene from the bible and a scene caught in Roman history.  Rembrandt was moved to paint this scene.

And why not, Christ said He must come and lay down His life. And indeed He did.  GOD's son. Jesus Christ became man, lived on this earth 33 1/3 years, he was a boy, a man,  a teacher,a  healer and a prophet. The Gospel of John says "He came into His own (people) and they received Him not. They crucified Him between two other thieves, hung to die a shameful death to end His human life. And Rembrandt painted this scene for all to see.

But how do you see Jesus, the man Jesus. What has the secular world taught you ?? And what are you believing ??

If we have your attention, GOD is calling you today. 

The Savior is speaking to your and why don't you let Him in ??  Many years I lived in vanity and pride, I did not care that Jesus was crucified, I did not know it was for all and me He died on the cross. Well, His mercy and grace was free, and His pardon was applied to me, there I found a great liberty, there at the cross, where and when Jesus died for all.

It not a fairy tale and it's a fantasy for it's written in the Word of God and in history, But now is your time to believe and call on Him. ABC really, ask, believe and call on Him.

I was saved in 1976, a thirteen year teenager, and I have not regretted following Him, I have failed Him abut He has never failed me, want you call on Him today.


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