Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A John 3:16 story

A John 3;16 story

A young orphan boy was waking around the big city on a cold winter night. He came to a street crossing and saw a policeman. He said, "Sir do you know of a place where I could sleep tonight, that box down the alley  sure does get cold at night." The kind policeman smiled and said, "sure I do, just go to the big house in the way, ask for Chris and say John 3:16 sent you."

And he did, the young boy went to the big house rather nervously and knock on the door. Then Chris came to the door. The young boy said, "the policeman said to tell you John 3:16 sent me." Chris had a smile on his face he invited the boy in the house.  He thought John 3:16, I don't what it means, but it gave an invitation to this big house.

Chris escorted the young boy in and ask, "Are you hunger??" The boy admitted that  had not eaten that day and only had an apple yesterday. He said, "Yes,  I could eat." Then Chris set the boy at the table and fed him a big meal.  He thought, John 3;16, I don't understand it but it gave me an invitation to this big house and big meal that fed this hungry boy.

Then Chris said," Would you like to take a wash ??" the boy said, "yes, it has been a while" So Chris fixed a warm tub of water with a bar of soap. The boy washed and comb his hair and then thought, John 3:16, again I don't know what it means, but it gave an invitation, fed my hunger and washed me clean.

The boy came to Chris and said, "Sir I have no money and no family, I could never pay for all this. Chris said don't worry about that it has  ALL been paid for you.  Then Chris took the bible, God's word and explained to the young orphan boy about John 3:16.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

And now Dear friend, Christ the Lord is knocking on your heart's door, and like the young orphan boy, He is sending you an invitation to come in, to feed that hungering in your soul and to wash you from ALL your sins. He wants YOU to become a Child of God, and you can today!! the bible says For whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD, shall be saved, for with the heart man believes and with mouth confession in Him is made unto salvation.
(story was based on what I heard many years ago, I put my twist on it, hope you enjoy)

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