Tuesday, January 1, 2019

My New Year guide word

Happy New Year followers and friend.

My wife  and I were talking to each other night, the last Saturday night of 2018 and she wanted to have a new guide word for 2019.  She suggested "grateful" would be for her.

Well, I did not commit so soon to her but I ponder the thought.  Of course then, the next day we went to church and I found my new word. It was not found in the singing, although, it could have, it was not in the fellowship with church members, but I found it in the preacher's sermon.

Our preacher preach on how to "Guard your heart in the new year" and God spoke to me, "Guard"
He preached a great sermon on guard from, doubt, distractions and depression, and it had it's place and plan.  But as I wrote on my spiral-note pad, God could me in another direction.

I. I want to guard my home.  The home and family that God has gave me. I want to lead in faith, fun, (godly fun and lead us in our future. Really, I want to guard my home, by leading, loving and laughing, a happy heart.

II. I want to guard my heading. As ship heading to it's designation, I want us to be headed in the right direction.  Ultimately, heaven is our home /goal as Jesus taught us, but I want God's will and ways in my heading / direction in my life.

III. I want to guard my heart.  There are so political views and so many human / worldly philosophies.  Our heart can be effected by what we see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Yet at each gates of our lives we need to put holy filters in to help guard our hearts.  It should not be this is something I can do, but rather is this something I am suppose or should do??

We can be guarded by God's light, God's love and God's labor for Him.  David said " thy word, your word, O LORD, is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path"

God's light reveals so many blots and blemishes in a world lead life. God's love can direct your heart and mind.  Then our labor for Him sets us in a right path.

So LORD thank you for your grace and please guide me and guard me.

But dear friend, what a great way to start off the new year, month or week, but to be saved and born again, become a believer of God and a child of God.

We ALL may be a creation of God, but we are not ALL a children of God, until we are birth into His family by God's grace through faith.  For by grace are we saved through faith, it's the gift of God, not of works.

The Holy Spirit calls you and as you hear, with heart your you believe and with mouth confession is made unto salvation.

So please, call on Him today, while He is near and He will guide and guard you.

God bless you,

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