I am Chosen
But you are a chosen race, a
royal priesthood,
a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may
proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His
marvelous light; NAS
May I say, I do not believe the
limitations of predestination, meaning, those who believe only some are
predestine to salvation and some are not.
Yet I believe in the sovereignty of God, that He watches over the chosen
or those who have been saved, born again.
We are chosen at our salvation, when we got
saved, again showing the importance of being saved. And God knows and
determined what will happen to that group of born again believers. (I have no
problem with that) nor do I know who they are, so I try to win all or as many
as I can for Him.
So being chosen, we had to called.
A call to salvation. The beginning of salvation is hearing
the call of God, to be saved. It’s by the urging of the Holy Spirit. As He woos
you, speaking to your heart. You see,
the triune God head (trinity) all have a part of your salvation. For God the
Father loved you, Jesus, God the son, laid down His life for you, and God the
Holy Spirit calls you unto salvation.
And being Chosen, we are converted
A converted sinner, converted to follow the Savior and not
sin, Satan and the worldly system. It’s a heart change. Believing with your
heart. Based on believing the word of God. Saying this is true and right. Also,
it’s head or mind change, sounding out after a logical conclusion in your
words, I believe.
And being Chosen, we are changed.
A change to sainthood. Many choses and vote one to be a
saint, but God choses you immediately to become a saint. A saint of God. And
part of the number when the saints come marching in at His return to this
earth. ( and that’s another subject)
And being Chosen, our course is set.
For God has a plan and will for the chosen to follow.
Ultimately, Heaven’s our home and we know that, but we are heading in a new
direction in our life. Not following self, sin and secular living, but
following the Savoir.
God said, I chose the saved and born again. Also, God said, I use can use them and reward
the chosen for their service. Literally, reward them for their love, life and
labor for the Lord God.
The Apostle Peter said it correctly in 1Peter 2, YE or you
are Chosen!! He knew, for he was called unto salvation, He believed in Jesus,
and he follow Him is service. Spent three years with as a disciple, meaning a
learner, as he, indeed learned many things of Jesus. Jesus said I will call him and then I can use
him. And he did, Peter gave up the fishing trade with his brother and followed
Jesus. Became number one of the disciples. A leader and a learner. Oh yes,
Peter still doubted, but he came back after he saw a resurrected Lord.
So please call on Jesus today,He will hear you and he will save
you 😊
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