Monday, August 20, 2018

Dr. Thurman Wade and our family

Hello again Everybody, 
In the early 1970s, God was working on my family. My Mother and Dad were preacher's children and they knew that they should get back in church.  And we did, a co-worker invited my mother to church and we had a visit from the preacher. Then my Mother and us children went to church, but Dad stayed home.  Although, eventually, he found his way to the house of God.

Our church was a start up church, an old store building, on the main road.  A minister was called to pastor that group of people, Thurman Wade. 

 And well, at least for our family the rest is history. Here's the rest of the story.

My oldest Brother, an awarded high School football player worked in the Bus ministry and children's ministry, later was called to be a Deacon.  He got married and had three children, the two boys were called to preach and daughter was a church worker.  One of the boys became a missionary and started a church in Bellville, KS.

My Second to the oldest brother, was called to preach and was a pastor to three churches, two in Georgia and one in mountains of Virginia.  He and his wife had three two boys and a girl. One of his boys was called to preach and pastor a church here locally.

My Sister, married a country boy, which was very similar to our Dad. They had two girls and one boy, But Her husband was called to be a Deacon and she taught Sunday school and raised her family.

As for me, I married the pastor's baby daughter / piano player and we served the Lord together for over 30 years, really as long we have been married. She had two missed carriage, and we have one boy. I went to bible college 1980s and was the pastor of two churches 1990s. I was a pastor, radio preacher locally. IN the 2000s I became a Choir director / sing leader and Nursing Home minister, then reaching outside the walls of the church through social media through pod cast and blogging.  Where I am today.

But for us, my family, my boyhood family, we went to Victory Baptist Church in Cumming, Ga. were Dr. Thurmond Wade was the pastor.

He passed away this week, went home to be with the Lord. Please pray for his family. I appreciate his work, ways and wisdom of the Lord and he was so instrumental for God in our families life, I just have to mention this next thought. We had Dr. wade for 4 years, he would later go into missions and become board director for the Macedonia World Baptist Missions, were he helped many missionaries raise their support and get to the field / country that God called them to.

I praise the Lord for this man for his love and labor for the Lord.  I am so thankful he came to out  and visited our home,invited us to church. My what one faithful visit did for our family.  He baptized my brothers and sister, and his wife lead me to Lord at altar when I got saved.

He obeyed God to start a church and eventually He got into missions then became Missions Director.

Our lost is heaven's gain, Good bye here is Hello over there.

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