Monday, December 18, 2017

Truth from a great mystery part 7 (conclusion)

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 1Tim. 3:16

Truth from a great mystery part 7 (conclusion)

Well, never I have ever seen a verse like this where I immediately saw a bible series like this one.  (I was told that this would happen as I became an older minister) ha,ha.

The Apostle Paul preceded v.16 as he mentioned the pillar and ground of truth. And it's like He wanted to make it very clear to young Timothy the actual pillars and grounds of Truth. One version of the bible says "without controversy" indicating make no mistake, while another modern version said "by common confession" meaning it was things that had happened and was known and talked about, in that day.  I'm afraid these things are NOT so common and rarely mentioned if at all these days.  Even with the main believers, you can just do a test, what was mentioned in you church about God??  At the time of this writing it's Christmas time and the Christmas season, so the lesson "God was manifested in the flesh" is very obvious to us. But the message to all on any given Sunday, you must ask yourself what is being said?? 

The "How to" lessons, finding joy lessons, and some have their place, but I pray as Bible preachers and bible teachers, we stay with the outline given by the Apostle Paul, to his young preacher boy Timothy, and that outline is this:
- God was manifested in the flesh, it's good to use at Christmas
- justified in the Spirit
- seen of angels
- preached unto the Gentiles (and lost nations)
- believed on in the world, (well He said go unto ALL the world)
- received up in the glory (heaven)

What a great outline, what a truth from a great mystery, which is now, in our day a hidden and being hidden to a lost and dying world. So sad (smh!!)

I can tell you this, it will be my marching orders, my mandate and mission, with what time time I have on this earth and if my blog continues to grow in interest.

But dear friend, are you saved?? Have you been born again?? Have you ever accepted Jesus into your heart?? If not, you may call on Him today. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Trust in the Lord with ALL your, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.  Only trust Him, only trust Him now.

May God bless you,

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