Friday, November 4, 2016

Something has got a hold on me

The other day, one my co-workers saw a story about a squirrel attacking people and he showed it to me.  Of course, my mind went back to the Ray Stevens comical song about the Mississippi squirrel in the church.  My coworker had not heard of it but it was on 

First many think loud verbal out breaks from people in church is a funny thing, as they have never felt the presence of the Holy Spirit that makes you laugh or cry, or laugh and cry at the same time. But, there was one line in the song that jumped out at me that said, "something has got a hold on me !!" And after that the meeting got on.

And so it has been for me in times past, I have been in meetings / revivals were service after service seem to be slow and down, even like a car stuck in the mud, then all of a sudden the Holy Spirit moves, and something happens. Either a father or mother confesses doing wrong or the children confess their love to their parents. Or it could be a soul saved.

When the right move is made by that person, under conviction by the Holy Spirit, the service comes alive and many move towards God.  But usually it takes one, one who will step out and say yes to God, or even confess a sin, or answer a call to the Lord's work. As the Holy Spirit moves on your life, well, it rather does feel like something has a hold on you !!

And the next thing is to stop and make immediate confession to God. You may start privately and pray by your self at the altar, but ultimately public confess has to be made know, (for with mouth confession is made) see you public confession is made, the bible teaches in Psalms that they are things God's people need to see, so an outward confession needs to be made. You need to let the God's people and others know, "something has got a hold of me"

And so it will be for your salvation my friend, as God moves on your heart through reading the scriptures or hearing a sermon or bringing you through a rough situation. As God speaks you need to respond. The bible says for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. And that could be you, you could be the next one God, through the Holy Spirit gets a hold of.

God bless you,

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