Sunday, August 7, 2016

Our path

Our Path that we walk

Last week I had to do a funeral for a close family member.  Having not done a funeral in a couple of years, I first thought to turned to the "Pastor's manual"  It's a book for pastors with helps and suggestions.  But I could never get satisfied nor have peace about anything that I found.  Since it was, what we call in the south, "a grave side service" the pastor's manual gave some suggested scriptures.  Well, it suggested Psalms 23, but I could still did not get peace about it , although it was close and God was tugging on heart trying to show me the way.  Finally after much prayer and seeking Him, God gave me the scriptures and it was one so familiar to me. Proverb 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he shall direct thy paths. 

And so the good Lord showed me the that I need to talk about our PATH. And I would like share this with you today.   Your Path certainly  tells a story of your life.  Past, present and future.  This might be a good time to consider where you come from, where you are and where you are going.  And did you know God wants to be apart of your path. Somewhere in your path of life, you will be brought a place of decision.  Many times it will be that place of salvation, where you will be given a chance to follow Him.  For the way of the cross leads home. (to heaven) God will show you an open door or bring you to that life decision place for you to have an opportunity to hear and receive the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The question is what will you do??

Well, I had many bible helps and many pastor helps.  Which, truthfully, was man's help. I just turned them all way  and started to listen to God and the sermon and words all came to me. ( I thank the Lord for it)

If we take the letters P-A-T-H, perhaps we could see what God is trying to says to us. First, the "P", the place of decision, many times your path will start there or is that place where He can talk to you.  Secondly, the letter "A" acknowledge.  This is something the world does less and less in these last days. Acknowledge His words, work and ways.  Your path will have that place and the needed acknowledgement from you. Thirdly, the letter "T" Trust, Trust in the Lord !!, it will be in your path, first at salvation and then in service for Him, also many situations where you will need Him.  The lastly the letter "H" Home as yout path will need to lead you home, to heaven.
Jesus said in John 14 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Where is your path leading you?? and does it tell a good story ?? That may be all you have for someone to speak about of you.  Why not trust Him and call on Him today and start that path with His words and His ways.

God Bless you,

Rev. Dan

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