Tuesday, March 22, 2016

House of Prayer

After the Lord Jesus entered the city as the lowly servant who would be their great king, he went to the temple and there cleaned house and showed his disapproval of what was going on.  Wow, the evil imagination of man, where the doves and pigeons were sold to those who did not have an animal sacrifice such as an ox or sheep. Doves where an accepted sacrifice for the high holy day.  Yet the thieves, robbers and abuser to this sacrifice was all to common and our Lord Jesus pointed it out in a very big way.  He was much of a man to take on this earthly service!!

Today, it breaks my heart to see so many of those who cheat and steal in the name of religion. It's seen in the Christian music world and the Mega churches.  The Christian music world has performers who know not God and who never became a Christian but yet take the money of people.  The Mega churches with their mega evangelist and their wild worldly ways. They are getting gain and  building their buildings and empires.  BUT, . . . . we have to be fair, one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch. One can make it bad for others, one can bring a reproach to the church.  The reality is JESUS did not approve of this way. You may ask how did you come that conclusion about music and mega churches from this act of Jesus. Well, really it was the abuse of it and that is what He dislikes, and may I say, He still does dislike it from Heaven, even while He is seated at the right of the Father. (Be that what it may be !!)

But I believe it shows the heart and mind of the Lord Jesus, but what's also on His heart and mind is that ALL would come to repentance for He is not willing that any should perish. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For with the heart man believes and with mouth confession is made, you must be born again!!  So call on Him today and continue on into the rest of the Holy week, saved and born again.

God Bless you friend, Amen
Rev. DanSam

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