Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sunday sermon 032716

Hello and Happy Easter 2016  !!

Here today's sermon of the week for 03/27/2016

Preacher of 80s, 90s and now !!

God bless you, please this gospel message


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sir, we would see Jesus

Another event that happened after Palm Sunday and Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem was were the Greeks came to see Jesus. The Apostle John's gospel Chapter 12 verse 20.
 And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast: 21 the same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus

It very interesting that the Greeks, the ones with the great minds and that days education, came to worship at this feast. There were many people there from many countries. Here Jesus would have announced His Kingdom, but many instead saw His great sacrifice on the cross.  The great minds of the day sought Him, even at His birth the wise men sought after Him.  I believe the application is still here again today. Wise men and Great minds still seek Him.  AND EVEN NOW, TODAY, during the Holy Week after Palm Sunday which commemorates His Triumphal Entry many great minds should seek after Him!!

Dear Friend, what about you?? Perhaps you are highly educated and a scholarly person full of this world's wisdom and yet you are lacking something in your life?? Well, it's the LORD !! Come unto Him today, the spirit says come, God the son says come unto Him, God the Father says come. For whosoever shall on the name of the Lord shall be saved, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine out understanding, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.

God bless you and Call on Him today, Amen

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

House of Prayer

After the Lord Jesus entered the city as the lowly servant who would be their great king, he went to the temple and there cleaned house and showed his disapproval of what was going on.  Wow, the evil imagination of man, where the doves and pigeons were sold to those who did not have an animal sacrifice such as an ox or sheep. Doves where an accepted sacrifice for the high holy day.  Yet the thieves, robbers and abuser to this sacrifice was all to common and our Lord Jesus pointed it out in a very big way.  He was much of a man to take on this earthly service!!

Today, it breaks my heart to see so many of those who cheat and steal in the name of religion. It's seen in the Christian music world and the Mega churches.  The Christian music world has performers who know not God and who never became a Christian but yet take the money of people.  The Mega churches with their mega evangelist and their wild worldly ways. They are getting gain and  building their buildings and empires.  BUT, . . . . we have to be fair, one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch. One can make it bad for others, one can bring a reproach to the church.  The reality is JESUS did not approve of this way. You may ask how did you come that conclusion about music and mega churches from this act of Jesus. Well, really it was the abuse of it and that is what He dislikes, and may I say, He still does dislike it from Heaven, even while He is seated at the right of the Father. (Be that what it may be !!)

But I believe it shows the heart and mind of the Lord Jesus, but what's also on His heart and mind is that ALL would come to repentance for He is not willing that any should perish. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For with the heart man believes and with mouth confession is made, you must be born again!!  So call on Him today and continue on into the rest of the Holy week, saved and born again.

God Bless you friend, Amen
Rev. DanSam

Monday, March 21, 2016

Easter Season

Hello again fellow bloggers,

As we come into the Easter Season and as we enter Holy Week and as I view the trending topics of the day on social media, I notice that "WOW, we have another season where Jesus is the reason for the Season !!"  Well, I realize this not ground breaking news, but does it shows what has been embedded into the fabric our country and society.  So I would like to get my Christian "dig" in here, while the season is on many hearts and minds.

Although, I realize you may have your anti-types of Easter.  Antitype meaning "instead of", of course. Where the Easter bunny, Easter eggs and candy is the "instead of ".   You can compare it to Christmas, with Santa Clause, Frosty the snowman and toys is the "instead of".  There seems to be that Secular and the spiritual side of the seasons.  And I guess, we should and could work in harmony for the seasons, for the kids and for a good testimony for God's people.

But with the given activity and word trends on social media, one would have to agree that once again and just like Christmas, the Easter Season is another season where Jesus, is the reason for the season.
But really friend, to enjoy the season that we are in, Easter, you must be born again.  We will celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ as He arose from the tomb and it would a great time to be saved.  Seeing that He, Jesus, ever lives to intercede for us, at the right hand of the Father. So call on Him today, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God Bless you friend, it's a good time / season to call on the Lord, Amen.
Rev. DanSam

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday Sermon 032016

Hello, here's another audio sermon from the word of God, the bible.

Preaching the bible, the word of God,  in the 80s, 90s and NOW, proclaiming the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday sermon 030616

Greetings blog followers, here the audio sermon of the week, "our HELP in the Lord"

Pray for us in this work of faith and labor of love for Him.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The second important book

The second most important book of your Christian life

Perhaps, this is a  very timely blog or it could be to late, in any event here's my blog post for this day.

It has been said, a good church song book is a good text book because it teaches us many thing about God, Jesus and our heavenly home. And I agree with that, so, the second most important book in your Christian life is The Church Hymnal book / church song book.

I admit that I know and realize many have already departed from the use of hymnals and church song books. Many have gone to 7 & 11 choruses, meaning seven words, repeating it 11 hundred times. This may be the "new" and the acceptable way these day, but I would ask that you consider that indeed, the church song book is second book important book for the christian believer.

Songs have have helped us many ways. First, when in service, during suffering and with ourselves.  In service, I think about the old song, "We'll work till Jesus comes" as it motivates us serve Him gladly. Second, During our time of suffering, just like Israel, the Lord can gave a song while we are in a weary land.  And usually for  me it came from our church song book.  And  thirdly, it is for ourselves, the joy of knowing Jesus is learned through songs, especially those from the church hymnal. By the way, it has been said that a good church hymnal is all about "Him ", And if we learn that from our church song books, we are doing alright.

But dear friend, you must learn from the first most important book, the Bible.  It does not just contain God's word but we must consider is is God's word.  And the first step in believing and learning the bible is to be saved, be born again, become a child of God.  For whosoever shall on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For with the heart man believes and with your confession is made, therefore, you must be born again.

God bless you friend and hang on to that old church song book, for it is the second most important book.

Rev. Dan

(ps. here's mine, but don't judge me, I was raised on this one)
(song Amazing Grace is on page 57 and song Victory in Jesus is on page 120.)
we love you!!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

He's watching you

He’s watching you
The other day, my family and I were running some errands on a Saturday morning.  Of course, I was driving the car and that day my wife was on the passenger side and my son was in the back seat.  As usual, we needed to make up a little time.  As I turned out onto the highway I heard a voice say “turn sharp” as I swung out the car into the other lane only a little and my son noticed.  She said “he’s watching you”
Well, we have been teaching my son to drive and he was actually watching me drive and noticed I had made a very wide turn like he does and he called me on it.  But what my wife said “He’s watching you” and God spoke to my heart and mind.

Whether we like it or not many are watching us. Little children watch Dads and Moms. As parents we need to live good examples for our children.  A father and mother need to show forth good works and love to their children, God will bless a Christian base family.
So as parent we have to be careful what we say and do.  I remember the story of a Christian Dad, who talked about sowing his wild oats as a young man. You know the one, how he sneaked out and took the care and when joy riding in the city, until he was caught by the police, we have it before. Then we tell that to our children and guess what, they will sneak out take the car and go joy riding too.
So many are watching, our children, family and friends, but most of all, the all seeing eye of God is watching.  The records are being kept and the books will be opened. (see Revelation 20)

The young children song says “Oh be careful little feet where you go” for the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful little feet where you go!! Then it goes on to says be careful eyes what you see, ears what you hear and hands what you touch, for the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful.  For he’s watching you!!
David said in the psalms “Lord, you know my uprising and downfalls, you know.  So the question here is, does the good Lord know you?? He knows his children. So why not call on Him today to be saved, be born again and become a child of God.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For with the mouth confession is made and the heart man believes. YE must be born again!!  And then live for Him.

God bless you my Friend,

Rev. Dan