Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Unbelieving barber

Hello blog followers,

I saw this story on the internet the other day and I would like to tell the story in my words for today's blog post.

Joe went to a barber shop and when it came his turn he climb into the barber chair and the barber prepare Joe for his hair cut.  Now most people read newspaper, read a book and listen to their IPOD or cell phone,  Joe had a book with a black cove, it was a bible.  This was not all that unusual for the barber but he got Joe ready and then cut his hair as Joe read his book.

Well, the barber cut and finished cutting Joe's hair. Then the barber to Joe said," I do not believe in GOD." There's just too much pain and suffering how could a god allow this??  Joe was a little surprised at the comment, but just smiled and paid the barber and said I will see you next time.  As Joe walked out the door, he thought I should have said something to defend my Lord and God. He stood outside the barber shop then all of sudden a long hair hippie fellow with a long beard came around the corner,  Joe said hey hippie man will you follow me and play along with me.  Joe took him back into the barber shop.

They approached the unbelieving barber. Joe said "this man does not believe in barbers!!"  The barber was so surprised and said what do think I am and what do think I do. Joe said well this long hair man does not believe in you.  The barber said, "No his problem is that he does not COME in here" Then Joe said kindly to the unbelieving barber, that's why there is so much pain and suffering today with people in the world, they don't come to GOD!!

Wow, this story I saw on a video, but it spoke to my heart and mind.  So many people today having problems will doubt and reject God and they never come to Him and never call on His name.  The bible says "Draw nigh (near) to God and He will draw near to you. Turn ye unto God and He will turn unto you. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways knowledge him,and he shall direct thy paths.

God bless you today my friend, it would be a very good day to call on Him.

Rev. Dan

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