Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday sermon 022816

Here's today's Sunday audio sermon

I hope it's a blessing, I hope many will be saved, that many will helped.

God bless you, friend, Amen

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Unbelieving barber

Hello blog followers,

I saw this story on the internet the other day and I would like to tell the story in my words for today's blog post.

Joe went to a barber shop and when it came his turn he climb into the barber chair and the barber prepare Joe for his hair cut.  Now most people read newspaper, read a book and listen to their IPOD or cell phone,  Joe had a book with a black cove, it was a bible.  This was not all that unusual for the barber but he got Joe ready and then cut his hair as Joe read his book.

Well, the barber cut and finished cutting Joe's hair. Then the barber to Joe said," I do not believe in GOD." There's just too much pain and suffering how could a god allow this??  Joe was a little surprised at the comment, but just smiled and paid the barber and said I will see you next time.  As Joe walked out the door, he thought I should have said something to defend my Lord and God. He stood outside the barber shop then all of sudden a long hair hippie fellow with a long beard came around the corner,  Joe said hey hippie man will you follow me and play along with me.  Joe took him back into the barber shop.

They approached the unbelieving barber. Joe said "this man does not believe in barbers!!"  The barber was so surprised and said what do think I am and what do think I do. Joe said well this long hair man does not believe in you.  The barber said, "No his problem is that he does not COME in here" Then Joe said kindly to the unbelieving barber, that's why there is so much pain and suffering today with people in the world, they don't come to GOD!!

Wow, this story I saw on a video, but it spoke to my heart and mind.  So many people today having problems will doubt and reject God and they never come to Him and never call on His name.  The bible says "Draw nigh (near) to God and He will draw near to you. Turn ye unto God and He will turn unto you. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways knowledge him,and he shall direct thy paths.

God bless you today my friend, it would be a very good day to call on Him.

Rev. Dan

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sunday, February 14, 2016

audio sermon 160213

Hello, here's today's audio sermon, I hope it will be a blessing. Pray for us we as try to serve the Lord in this new ministry.

You may have to download and then hit play.

God bless you,

Rev. Dan

Friday, February 12, 2016

Lent or not

My wife and I were talking this week about how some of her friends are observing "Lent" this year. We have talked about it before, how others and in times past have observe lent and what they did or not do  40 days before Easter.  Well, it has been abstaining everything from food, meats and sodas, to fun activities. Being saved and born again in a Baptist church, Lent has not been made on our priority list in my life. We were always taught to read your bible and pray every day.

But God has brought it to my attention this year and I like the history and information that I have found about Lent, so much to say "why not??"  So I found this article from an unknown author that I would like to cut and paste here in this blog post as information for me and you. Then I will comment at the end of this post.

As I have observed Lent, the anticipation I feel for celebrating Easter grows with each passing day as it grows closer. And when I stand with fellow believers on Easter morning and declare “The Lord is risen — He is risen indeed,” my heart is bursting with the excitement of the hope within.
If you want to observe Lent this year, let me give you a couple of suggestions.
(1) Fast. Find something in your life and decide to give it up for the next 46 days. Fasting does not have to involve food (although in my life some sort of food is the most impactful), but it does need to be something that you will miss. Some people fast from specific foods (red meat, pork, chocolate, fast food, etc.) or drinks (caffeinated, carbonated, sweetened, alcoholic, etc.).
Other people give up technology (Facebook, Twitter, television, texting). Still others give up harmful or not so harmful habits. The key is to stick to it and to spend the time or effort you would have spent seeking the Lord in prayer, study, or service. You can even take the money you might have spent and give it to a cause that furthers the work of the kingdom.
(2) Study. Spend some time studying God’s Word. Maybe you want to read through the entire Bible or New Testament or gospels during these days. Perhaps you want to read a book that will challenge you spiritually. Look for Lent-centered devotions for you or your family (devotions like Journey to the Cross).
(3) Serve. Find somewhere to serve. Maybe that means serving in a ministry of your local church that you have known about but have not served in. You can also find a ministry in your community that is serving people in the name of Jesus and join in.
(4) Worship. Make sure you take time during Lent to worship God in community with other believers. Spend time singing songs of celebration. In fact, Sundays during Lent are to be days of celebration. You break your fast on those days (feast days) in order to be reminded of what is coming and what you are missing.
(5) Give. There is very little in life that can be more sacrificial than giving.
Make it a priority during Lent to financially support your local church and ministries that are doing the work of the kingdom of God.
Take the money that you would spend on luxury items in your life and give it instead to further the work of Jesus. 
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Well, there you have it, fast, study, serve, worship and give.  If we do these thing 40 days before Easter and afterwards, we will be doing  good in our Christian life and for the Lord.

But friend, we have a risen savior and He is in the world today, The Lord Jesus Christ.
For so ever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For Christ came into the world to seek and to save that which is lost. He believes hath life, but he that does not believed shall not see life.  As Lent has brought this to your attention, why not call on Him today.

God bless you,

Rev. Dan


Saturday, February 6, 2016

sermon 020716

Hello, here's a link to the audio sermon of the week, you may need to download it and play, but I hope it will be a blessing to you,

God bless you, pray for us, Amen

Rev. Dan

Friday, February 5, 2016

Another lessons from the birds

Lessons from the birds

The Sentry

A sentry is a guard, particularly on duty at the entrance to a military base.
The other Sunday ago, my family and I were coming home from church. As we turned down a street we notice a gain of buzzards on the side of the road picking at their meal of a dead animal.  If I remember correctly there were four buzzards, three were attacking the dead carcass, while there was one on the wall being the sentry.

On another occasion, I was at work on lunch taking a walk.  When all of a sudden, I saw three crows on the ground going after their meal and I happened to notice, one crow was on the roof of the building and I said within myself, yes, and there’s the sentry.  And God started speaking to my heart and mind.

The sentry was posted at the front gate or wall to alarm, announce and take action on a coming foe. (wow, I’ve got so much here to tell you, friend, as my heart & mind is so full)  God help me here, anyway, the sentry was there and at his position.  The spiritual applications are here and many, PTL !!

In the bible, in the Old Testament Ezekiel 3:17 says, Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.  God spoke to my heart to be that sentry or “watchman” for Him.  Being a Christian and a minister of God, I want alarm those was are lost and on their way to Hell, I want to announce , as the angels did, that Jesus is the son of God, He is God in the flesh and I want to take action against the coming enemy, the world, the flesh and the devil.  Also, other human philosophies that is contrary to the Bible and the gospel of Christ.

We need to be that “sentry” or guard to our family. Dad you need to take that leadership role guard family from sin, selfishness and slacking from the Lord. Dad lead the way be that guard. Mom, show that support and encourage Dad. Children follow your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Not only do we need to guard our family, but we need to guard our faith. “that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints  What we have learned,  2Tim 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. The message, the mission and the mandate that was once delivered to us, we also need to protect.

And then we need to guard or be a sentry to our future.  God has entrusted us with gospel spreading the message locally and around the world, also serving him prayer and being a shining light.  As we draw our strength and motivation from our fellowship with Him. 

So God uses many things to speak to us and He differently uses nature and animals. The sentry, we learn from the birds that we need to be also in our Christian life and for the Lord.

But first and always first, salvation must come into your life. Jesus said you must be born again.  (see John chapter 3) The bible says in Romans 10 for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, call on Him today and He will saved you.

God Bless you friend, another lessons from the birds, Amen

Rev. Dan

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


The ministry of encouragement
My Pastor told a story about him and his grandson a couple of Sundays ago, playing video games together.  The young lad said “papa you try it” and he did, then all of sudden the lad said “papa you are not doing it right!!”   And he tried to correct his grandfather but it was to no help.  So the grandson said. “Papa, you just sit there and tell me how good I’m doing”

Wow, what great wisdom out of the mouth of a baby!! And God spoke to my heart and mind.  In 2Tim 4:11 the bible says “Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry” Pick up Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service.  Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is very helpful to me for the ministry.  The Apostle Paul had that ministry of encouragement and spoke it with his words.  Especially, after John-Mark left him, Paul gave him some words of encouragement.  What a lesson for us.  Living in this critical world today, we need some encouragement and we need to give some encouragement to many along the way in life.  We could encourage our family, friends and fellow workers.  Dad could encourage his children.  Husband encourages his wife.  And wife to her husband.  Mother to children. The ministry of encouragement, try it and see what happens in your life.

But dear friend, the bible says to Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart.  So I ask, who or what are you trusting in.  Become a child of God first, be saved and then encourage others.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
God Bless you,

Rev. Dan