Friday, November 13, 2015

Iron sharpens iron

Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.

As you go through life, many times, and for some Christians, bible verses will return back to your mind as this one did for me and as usual God started speaking to my heart and mind . . . .

There's the physical or natural lesson here that's worth quoting and expanding.  I remember many times chefs and butchers sharping their knives by taking two knives and sharpening them together, a knife in one hand and another knife in the other.  Hearing the sound of the two metal hit each other, literally sharpening themselves and the two edges side against each other. Then the knife could  perform a great function, cutting meat or vegetables. As iron sharpens iron.

Well, a similar lesson is for Christians today.  As you see a child of God, praying, reading their bible, preaching and serving the Lord, if you are "dull" in this matter, seeing another will sharpen your life for a function for Christ.  Many leaders lead by example and they become that sharpening point for other to use. So as we see others doing God's will it will make you want to do the same for God in your life. (If you really have it??) #saved

Many of us were taught not to look to man, as he is fallible, but Jesus was in infallible.  The bible says "Looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, And this is very valid and needed. But I think looking to a true minister of God, a true follower of God can help to sharpen us up spiritually too.  God showed me three things. First, iron sharpens iron correct us. If anything is wrong or out of alignment in our life, looking to a true believer and a follower of God can correct this. It could be in our mind, mission and or manner of life. This can help to correct us. Secondly, iron on iron can comfort us.  As a mile post helps in our direction, so too, can a fellow believer in Christ can comfort us that we are going in the right direction and course. If one does not know his or her direction it can lead to doubt and confusion, iron on iron help us and comfort us that we are going in the right direction. And thirdly, it remind us of our call. One of the Apostle Paul's young converts, quit and forsook Paul having Loved this present world. (see NT character Demas) if he had done a little sharpening iron on iron with a true fellow Believer, perhaps he would have stayed with the Apostle Paul and continued in their missionary trip, but instead he departed to a wicked  and wealthy city,
For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica 2Tim 4:10

And so friend, iron sharpening iron correct us in our ways, comfort us in our work and reminds us of our God given call that came into our life from His words. PTL !! A-men!!

 Are you saved, are you born again ?? For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for with heart man believes and with mouth confession is made.

God bless you, have a Great day!!
Rev. Dan

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