Thursday, January 1, 2015

YE must be born again

Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Marvel not [do not be surprised, astonished] at My telling you, You must all be born anew (from above).

"Ye must be Born again" urges me to service and some type of soul winning activity, but that's just me ... it's the preacher in me, well the Holy Spirit, well the word of God, it's what in my heart mind, I'm the most happy when I am serving Him in some way.

The preacher that is within me. The guy who was trained and trusted with the gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ. As I read the bible I am moved to serve in some way. I realize there were many before me, in which, I will follow their steps. Many preachers before that I have learn from their lives.

And I have the Holy Spirit within me, to fuel me and urge me to proclaim the gospel.  He's our teacher and comforter, see John 16 and Romans 8, he's our guide and guard, God in the spirit, The Holy Spirit.

And then it's from the Word of God within me,  For many years, I have read and learned from the Word of God, the bible, and it speaks to me.  It will speak peace to me, It will urge me to service.  It's food and water to my soul and for my spirit. Thus, I will serve Him in some type of soul winning activity in promoting the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I will follow Him.

But friend you must be saved, you must be born again. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be shall.  True salvation means a life change and a heart change.  You will have a desire to follow HIM.
God Bless you friend and have a great day and a great year !!


ps. Some type of soul winning activity, witnessing, testifying, preaching & teaching the word of God, supporting missions or a missionary on the field,  . . . . and more :-)

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